
Tuesday, April 18, 2017

7 Brilliant Tricks for the Cleanest Bathroom Ever

Keeping the bathroom clean is not an easy task, and it requires a lot of time and effort. Hair-clogged drains, moisture-loving mildew, dirty shower doors, and, ahem, the toilet all make for an unpleasant chore.

But we at Bright Side know how to make bathroom cleaning less of a burden. Here are 7 super effective tricks to help you enjoy a great-smelling and germ-free shower room in no time at all.

Streak-free mirrors

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If you are not a fan of expensive commercial window cleaners that leave those pesky streaks on your mirrors, you can make your own toxic-free cleaner at home. Simply make up a solution of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide, spray it on the mirror, and wipe it with a sponge to get any spots off.

You can also use shaving cream. Not only will it make your glass surfaces shine, but it will also prevent your bathroom mirror from steaming up after your next hot shower.

A sparkling bathtub

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One way to get rid of germs and make your bathtub look brand new again is by using a mixture of 1/2 cup of vinegar, 1 cup of rubbing alcohol, and 1/4 cup of water. Add all the ingredients to 4 quarts of warm water. Spread the mixture evenly over the dirty areas, let it sit for 15 minutes, and then rinse well. You will be amazed at how clean your shower will be.

A clean toilet

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A standard mouth rinse can make a perfect toilet cleaner. Dissolve your oral rinse or toothpaste in water, apply this mixture onto the dirty surface, wait for 30 minutes, then scrub well with the toilet brush and rinse.

Spotless tiles

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A cotton ball soaked in oxygen bleach will help you keep your tiles extra shiny and free from water spots. You can also use mouth rinse or toothpaste for this job.

Getting rid of rust

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Getting rid of rust is easier than it may seem. Simply pour salt over the rusted area, rub it in, and squeeze some lemon juice on top. The lemon juice reacts with the rust to dissolve it from the surface, and the salt absorbs the rust stains. Leave the solution overnight, and wash it off in the morning.

A dust-free ceiling

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For a clean and dust-free ceiling, use a mixture of 1 part vinegar to 1 part warm water. Dip a mop in the prepared solution, and begin cleaning your ceiling. Please bear in mind that you should wear safety glasses when doing this kind of work.

Clean shower curtains

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In a spray bottle, mix together 16 fl oz (500 ml) of all-purpose bleach and 2 tablespoons of dishwashing liquid. Spray this solution over the entire surface of your shower curtain, let it sit for several minutes, then rinse. Your curtain will look like new again.

15 Simple Life Hacks to Help You Look Great Every Single Day

Clingy pants that stick to your legs, new shoes that don’t quite fit right, a t-shirt that shrank in the wash — now you can say goodbye to all of these problems. All you have to do is read this selection of 16 life hacks we’ve put together for you.

Getting rid of stains on leather

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Just apply a mixture of water and vinegar and gently rub it over the stain.

Keeping jewelry clean

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This applies only to the non-precious metal parts of your jewelry. Cover the inside part of a ring with clear nail polish. You’ll never have to worry about getting marks on your fingers again.

Getting rid of oily stains on your clothes

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Use baby powder to get rid of the stain.

Rescuing a shrunken t-shirt

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Put your shrunken item of clothing into water with some kids’ shampoo (one liter of water for every spoon of shampoo). Leave it to soak for half an hour. Squeeze out the water and place the t-shirt between two towels for ten minutes. Then stretch the item out to its original size, putting something heavy on the edges to keep it stretched, and leave it to dry.

Use a razor to get rid of fluff from your clothes

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Stopping jeans from fading

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Add half a glass of vinegar to the washing machine to stop dark jeans losing their color when being washed.

To quickly iron a collar

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Hair straighteners can help you to quickly iron the fabric around buttons and folds on shirts and skirts.

Removing scuff marks from suede shoes

© kimmyerin

Use an ordinary eraser to clean your suede shoes.

Cleaning the white part of your sneakers

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Mix some cleaning solution with baking soda in a bowl, take an old tooth brush and use the solution to thoroughly clean the white rubber parts of your shoes.

How to fit the bottom of your jeans into your boots:

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Removing sweat stains from your clothes

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These stains can be cleaned using a mixture of lemon juice and baking soda.

Putting a cord through the hood of your hoodie

© meredithvieirashow

Use a straw to push the cords through the narrow holes.

Breaking in new shoes

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Pour some water into sealable plastic packets, place them inside your shoes and put the shoes in the freezer. When the water freezes, it expands. Take the shoes out of the freezer, wait for the ice to melt a little and take the bags of water out. N.B: this method doesn’t work for patent leather shoes.

Getting rid of the static on your pants

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To get rid of static, place a safety pin on the inside seam of each trouser leg.

To stop the zipper on your jeans from coming undone

© handmadebyamor

Attach the ring from a key ring on the zipper and hook it over the button of your pants.

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7 Simple Ways to Keep Your Whites White

You can make your whites last longer if you take care of them. In fact, simple household ingredients can be used to preserve your favorite wardrobe items from turning gray, yellow, or dingy.

We at Bright Side have gathered together the most popular and effective ways to extend the life of your garments and keep them looking new for longer.

1. Removing stubborn stains

Pour 2 liters of water into a large pot, and bring it to a boil. Take three lemons, and squeeze out the juice. Mix one tablespoon of salt in hot water. Add the lemon juice and a 1/4 cup of washing powder. Let your clothes soak for about 40 minutes, then rinse in clear water two to three times. Hang dry.

Bear in mind:

This recipe is also a great way to get rid of sweat stains on armpit areas or collars.

2. Getting white shirts even whiter

Pour a tablespoon (0.35 oz) of baking soda directly onto the stained area. Cut a lemon in half, and rub the cut side over the stain. Leave for 15 minutes, then wash as usual with warm water.


This method is often used for removing yellow underarm stains from white shirts. You can also make a paste of baking soda and lemon juice, and then rub it on the affected area to clean the stain.

3. All-purpose bleach

Slice two lemons, and add them to a bowl of boiled water (approximately 1 quart). Put your white clothes into the bowl, and let them soak for about 40 minutes. After soaking, wash as usual in the washing machine.

A useful tip:

Lemon makes a great all-purpose cleaner for your favorite clothes, and it doesn’t damage the fabrics.

4. Washing delicate clothes

Mix 1/4 cup of laundry detergent with 1/4 cup of hydrogen peroxide, and add it to 2 quarts of warm water. Soak clothing in the resulting solution for 30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

Remember please:

To maintain the quality of your clothes, it is necessary that you choose your laundry detergent carefully. This recipe is suitable for washing wool and other delicate fabrics.

5. Intense washing

Add 1/4 cup of hydrogen peroxide and 4 drops of ammonia to a quart of water. Let your clothing soak in this solution for 10 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly.

Take note:

This solution is stronger than the others and, therefore, more effective. Don’t forget to wear gloves when using it.

6. Natural fabric softener

Soak your clothing for 40 minutes in a solution of 1 quart warm water and 1/2 cup (4 fl oz) of vinegar. If you’d like to get rid of sweat stains, pour vinegar onto the stained area and rub a piece of soap over it.

Take note:

Vinegar not only whitens clothes, but also works as a natural fabric softener.

7. Washing linen

Put the bedding into a bucket of sour milk, and let it soak for 1-2 hours. Then wash as usual. You can repeat the soaking if necessary.

A little trick:

This technique not only helps your bedding last longer, but also makes it more soft, supple, and pleasant to the skin.

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