
Wednesday, February 23, 2022


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Friday, February 18, 2022

How To Read People Like A Pro: 17 Tricks From Psychology


How To Read People Like A Pro: 17 Tricks From Psychology

Now, don’t get freaked out. This article is not about reading minds like Edward Cullen of Twilight. Only vampires can do that (if they exist).

It’s about knowing, beyond words, what other people want to say. It’s about sensing what they truly mean, even when they say otherwise. The ability to read people properly will significantly affect your social, personal, and work life.

When you understand how another person is feeling, you can then adapt your message and communication style to make sure it is received in the best way possible. It’s not that hard. This may sound cliche, but you don’t need any special powers to know how to read people.

So, here are 17 tips for reading people like a pro:

1. Be objective and open-minded

Before you attempt to read people, you must first practice having an open mind. Do not let your emotions and past experiences influence your impressions and opinions. If you judge people easily, it will cause you to misread people. Be objective in approaching every interaction and situation.

According to Judith Orloff M.D in Psychology Today, “Logic alone won’t tell you the whole story about anybody. You must surrender to other vital forms of information so that you can learn to read the important non-verbal intuitive cues that people give off.” She says that to see someone clearly you must “remain objective and receive information neutrally without distorting it.”

2. Pay attention to appearance

Judith Orloff M.D says that when reading others, try to notice people’s appearance. What are they wearing? Are they dressed for success, which indicates they are ambitious? Or they are wearing jeans and a t-shirt, which means comfort?

Do they have a pendant such as a cross or Buddha which indicates their spiritual values? Whatever they wear, you can sense something from it. Sam Gosling, a personality psychologist at the University of Texas and author of the book Snoop, says that you should pay attention to “identity claims”. These are things people choose to show with their appearances, such as a t-shirt with slogans, tattoos, or rings.

Here’s Gosling:

“Identity claims are deliberate statements we make about our attitudes, goals, values, etc… One of the things that are really important to keep in mind about identity statements is because these are deliberate, many people assume we are being manipulative with them and we’re being disingenuous, but I think there’s little evidence to suggest that that goes on. I think, generally, people really do want to be known. They’ll even do that at the expense of looking good. They’d rather be seen authentically than positively if it came down to that choice.”

Also, some findings suggest that perhaps psychological traits can – to some degree – be read on a person’s face.

Vinita Mehta Ph.D., Ed.M. explains in Psychology Today:

“Higher levels of Extraversion were related to more protruding nose and lips, a recessive chin, and masseter muscles (the jaw muscles used in chewing). By contrast, the face of those with lower Extraversion levels showed the reverse pattern, in which the area around the nose appeared to press against the face. These findings suggest that perhaps psychological traits can—to some degree—be read on a person’s face, though more studies would be needed to understand this phenomenon.”

3. Pay attention to people’s posture

A person’s posture says a lot about his or her attitude. If they hold their head high, it means they are confident. If they walk indecisively or cower, it may be a sign of low self-esteem.

Judith Orloff M.D says that when it comes to posture, look for if they hold their high in a confident manner, or if they walk indecisively or cower, which indicates low self-esteem.

4. Watch their physical movements

More than words, people express their feelings through movements. For example, we lean toward those we like and away from those we don’t.

“If they’re leaning in if their hands are out and open, palms facing up, that’s a good sign that they are connecting with you,” says Evy Poumpouras, a former Secret Service special agent.

If you have observed that the person is leaning away, it means he or she is putting up a wall. Another movement to notice is the crossing of arms or legs. If you see a person doing this, it suggests defensiveness, anger, or self-protection. Evy Poumpouras says that “if someone is leaning in and all of a sudden you say something and their arms crossed, now I know I said something that this person didn’t like.”

On the other hand, hiding one’s hands means that one is hiding something. But if you see them lip biting or cuticle picking, it means they are trying to soothe themselves under pressure or in an awkward situation.

5. Try to interpret facial expressions

Unless you are a master of the poker face, your emotions will be etched on your face. According to Judith Orloff M.D, there are several ways to interpret facial expressions. They are:

When you see deep frown lines forming, it may suggest the person is worried or overthinking. On the contrary, a person who is truly laughing will show crow’s feet – the smile lines of joy.

Another thing to watch out for are pursed lips which can signal anger, contempt, or bitterness. Additionally, a clenched jaw and teeth grinding are signs of tension. Also, Susan Krauss Whitbourne Ph.D. in Psychology Today describes a classification of smiles in Psychology Today.

They are:

Reward smile: Lips pulled directly upwards, dimples at the sides of mouth and eyebrows lift. This communicates positive feedback.

Affiliative smile: Involves pressing lips together while also making little dimples at the side of the mouth. Sign of friendship and liking.

Dominance smile: Upper lip is raised and cheeks get pushed upwards, the nose gets wrinkled, indentation between nose and mouth deepens and raised upper lids.

6. Don’t run away from small talk

Maybe you feel unease with small talk. However, it can give you the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the other person. Small talk helps you observe how a person behaves in normal situations. You can then use it as a benchmark to accurately spot any behavior that is out of the ordinary.

In The Silent Language of Leaders: How Body Language Can Help–or Hurt–How You Lead, the author points out a number of errors that people make when trying to read people, and one of them was that they don’t get a baseline of how they normally act.

7. Scan the person’s overall behavior

We sometimes assume that if a particular action is done, like looking down at the floor during a conversation, it means the person is nervous or anxious. But if you are already familiar with a person, you will know whether the person avoids eye contact or is just relaxing when he or she looks down the floor.

According to LaRae Quy, a former counterintelligence agent for the FBI, “people have different quirks and patterns of behavior” and some of these behaviors “could simply be mannerisms”.

That’s why creating a baseline of others’ normal behavior will help you. Learn how to identify any deviation from a person’s usual behavior. You will know something is wrong when you notice a change in their tone, pace, or body language.

8. Ask direct questions to get a straight answer

To get a straight answer, you have to stay away from vague questions. Always ask questions that require a straight answer. Remember not to interrupt when the person is answering your question. Instead, you can observe the person’s mannerisms as they talk. INC advises to look for “action words” to get insight into how someone thinks:

“For example, if your boss says she’s “decided to go with brand X,” the action word is decided. This single word indicates that most likely your boss 1) is not impulsive, 2) weighed several options, and 3) thinks things through…Action words offer insights into the way a person thinks.”

9. Notice the words and tone used

When you talk to someone, try to notice the words they use. When they say “This is my second promotion,” they want you to know that they also earned a promotion previously.

Guess what? These types of people rely on others to boost their self-image. They want you to praise them so they will feel good about themselves. According to Judith Orloff M.D, you should also look out for the tone used:

“The tone and volume of our voice can tell much about our emotions. Sound frequencies create vibrations. When reading people, notice how their tone of voice affects you. Ask yourself: Does their tone feel soothing? Or is it abrasive, snippy, or whiny?”

11. Listen to what your gut says

Listen to your gut especially when you first meet a person. It will give you a visceral reaction before you have a chance to think. Your gut will relay whether you’re at ease or not with the person.

According to Judith Orloff M.D, “Gut feelings occur quickly, a primal response. They’re your internal truth meter, relaying if you can trust people.”

12. Feel the goosebumps, if any

Goosebumps happen when we resonate with people who move or inspire us. It can also happen when a person is saying something that strikes a chord within us.

“When we look at research [on the chills], outside of the evolutionary response to warm ourselves, it’s music that seems to trigger it, as well as moving experiences and even movies,” said Kevin Gilliland, a Dallas-based clinical psychologist.

Additionally, we feel it when we experience deja-vu, a recognition that you’ve known someone before, though you’ve actually never met.

13. Pay attention to flashes of insight

Sometimes, you may get an “ah-ha” moment about people. But stay alert because these insights come in a flash. We tend to miss it because we go on to the next thought so rapidly that these critical insights get lost. According to Judith Orloff M.D, gut feelings are your internal truth meter:

“Gut feelings occur quickly, a primal response. They’re your internal truth meter, relaying if you can trust people.”

In The Art of Resilience: A Practical Guide to Developing Mental Toughness, we outline exactly what it means to be mentally tough. We highlight 20 of the most resilient people in the world and break down what traits they have in common. We then equip you with 10 resilience-building tools that you can start using today.

14. Sense the person’s presence

This means that we have to feel the overall emotional atmosphere surrounding us. When you read people, try to notice if the person has a friendly presence that attracts you or you face a wall, making you back off. According to Judith Orloff M.D, presence is:

“This is the overall energy we emit, not necessarily congruent with words or behavior.”

15. Watch people’s eyes

They say our eyes are the doorway to our souls – they transmit powerful energies. So take the time to observe people’s eyes. When you look, can you see a caring soul? Are they mean, angry, or guarded?

According to Scientific American, eyes can “convey whether we are lying or telling the truth”. They can also “serve as a good detector for what people like” by looking at pupil size.

16. Don’t make assumptions

This almost goes without saying, but keep in mind that assumptions result in misunderstandings. When you easily make assumptions without even knowing the person, it brings more trouble.

In The Silent Language of Leaders: How Body Language Can Help–or Hurt–How You Lead, the author pointed out several errors people make when reading others and one of them was not being conscious of biases. For example, if you assume that your friend is angry, then whatever they say or do will seem like concealed anger to you.

Do not jump to conclusions when your wife goes to bed early rather than watching your favorite TV show with you. Maybe she’s just tired – don’t think she is not interested in spending time with you. The key to reading people like a pro is to relax and keep your mind open and positive.

17. Practice watching people

Practice makes perfect so the more you study people, the more you can read them accurately. As an exercise, try to practice watching talk shows on mute. Watching their facial expressions and actions will help you see what people are feeling when they are talking, without hearing any words. Then, watch again with the volume on and see if you are right with your observation.


One of the most important things you can know is how to read people. It makes you sensitive to the struggles and needs of the people around you. It is a skill that you can learn to further boost your EQ.

The good news is that anyone (that includes you!) has the ability to read people. The thing is, you just need to know what to look for.

22 Simple Ways to Make a Girl Fall in Love With You


22 Simple Ways to Make a Girl Fall in Love With You

If you’re looking for ways to make a girl fall in love with you, the first step is to make sure she’s interested in you, then be yourself. Falling in love is a natural process that happens between two compatible people, so there’s no way to force it. There are, however, many traits and behaviors you can exhibit to help her get all the feels.

Accept Her As She Is

One of the main ways a woman falls in love is when she knows she can be herself around you. Avoiding put-downs and reminding her every once in a while why you love a particular quirk of hers can help her feel comfortable being who she is. While there may be things you’d love to see her improve for her own well-being and for your relationship, letting her know you take the good with the bad goes a long way in helping her feel the love.

Be Open With Emotions

In order to truly love you, a woman needs to know who you are at your core. If you want her to fall in love with you, you’re going to have to show some vulnerability in private and be open with your emotions. When a woman knows and understands how you feel in different instances, she’ll feel like she has a connection to your soul.

Put Her First

Many women appreciate feeling like the most important person in their life, at least the majority of the time. Putting her first doesn’t mean disregarding all friends and family or even yourself. It means finding moments where you can put her needs, desires, or feelings before your own. This showing of selflessness lets her know she truly matters to you and is a sign that you’ll be a great parent one day if you choose to have kids.

Understand and Honor Her Love Language

Dr. Gary Chapman created the 5 Love Languages, which show how a person gives and receives love. You can work on making her fall in love with you every day by knowing what her love language is and “speaking” it. For example, if she prefers acts of service, try to cook dinner for her frequently. Taking the time to understand her and cater to her unique needs shows a genuine interest in making her happy.

Be Confident and Passionate

Women don’t want to be in relationships with insecure men who need constant caretaking, so be confident in who you are and what you do. There’s a fine line between confidence and arrogance, so tread lightly. One way to show confidence is through your passions. Seeing you have a passion for your life and hobbies shows her it’s possible for there to be passion between the two of you.

Show Appropriate Affection

You can show affection in a relationship in lots of different ways from hugs to care packages. Knowing her well will help you determine what type and level of affection is appropriate to help her feel love for you. If she’s into PDA, then hold her hand whenever you’re out in public. If you know PDA makes her uncomfortable, save the snuggling for your couch.

Lighten Her Load

Modern women carry big loads between working full-time, cooking, and caring for the home and family members. Finding ways to lighten her load on a regular basis without any prompting from her or any expectation of reward can show her that you want to take care of her too. While women are traditionally the caretakers, they love being cared for.

Show You’re Reliable and Dependable

Women forge love relationships partly to have a dependable partner in life to help carry them through difficult times. If she knows that you’ll be there to pick her up when she falls or work in tandem to dig out of a deep hole, she’ll definitely feel love for you. Be there with a positive attitude and willing spirit when she asks for help and follow through to show you’re reliable and dependable. This also creates a sense of security in the relationship and in life.

Create Intimate Moments Frequently

Intimate moments are not equal to sexual relations but are instances where you are really focused on each other in a private way. Studies have shown by staring into each other’s eyes then answering deeply personal questions, you can make someone fall in love with you. Look for times that make sense where you can stare into each other’s eyes for a few seconds or minutes to create intimacy. Use intimate conversation starters while you’re eating dinner or hanging on the couch.

Show Your Generous and Caring Side

Above all else, the trait women are most turned on by is kindness. Whether you’re being nice to her, her family, strangers, or even animals, look for ways to show that you are naturally thoughtful. Your investment in kindness on a daily basis shows her that life with you will be positive and nurturing.

Be Faithful

If you want a woman to fall in love with you, being faithful to her is a must. Have a conversation about the stage your relationship is in and the expectations in terms of being exclusive. If her expectation is that you’re not flirting or dating other women, then don’t do those things. Your ability to stay focused on her despite distractions shows you’re worth her love.

Surprise Her Once in A While

Adventure and excitement in a relationship are important to women, this keeps the relationship dynamic. When you create memorable dates or bring her fun surprises, make sure they are safe surprises that won’t push her too far outside her comfort zone or you too far outside yours. Blindfolding her to drive to a romantic picnic is an example of a good, easy surprise whereas springing another woman on her in the bedroom might be an unsafe surprise.

Be a Good Listener

Be an active listener. She will not fall in love with someone who can’t remember what she said. If it helps, write a note to yourself after important conversations. This will help you remember what you talked about. Be interested in the outcome or resolution of any problem she has.

Offer Sincere Compliments

Give the object of your affection sincere compliments designed to help her feel special. Recognize a new outfit or a flattering new haircut. Compliment her work, her attempts at something new, and the things you genuinely like about her. Don’t be overly dramatic. Keep the compliments short but genuine.

Earn and Expect Trust

For many women, trust is the most important factor in falling in love. Some women give their trust upfront, but you should still show her that you’re working to earn it. Earning trust is a long process where you need to be honest, follow-through, and keep information private when requested. If you lie or cheat, you’ll lose trust and may never get it back. Trust her and expect trust in return.

Dress to Impress

Kick your wardrobe into “hot” mode. Remember the ZZ Top song, “Every Girl’s Crazy About a Sharp Dressed Man?” These words hold true today. Women want to be seen with a man who takes pride in his appearance, so get your men’s wardrobe essentials in order. There’s no one style that makes all women fall in love, so shoot for the best version of your style.

Be Chivalrous

Chivalry is not and will never be dead for many women. Open doors for her. Offer a hand up or hand down when it is needed. Be polite. Don’t use poor grammar or offensive language in front of her. These simple acts show her that she’s special and you want her to be happy and cared for.

Respect Her As an Equal

In today’s world, men and women are more equal than ever in terms of responsibilities. No matter who makes more money in the relationship or who works longer hours, give her the respect she deserves and she’ll be in love with you. You can honor her role in your relationship, her role at work, or anything else she’s involved in as a sign of respect by acknowledging its importance.

Send Sweet Correspondence

The things you say in person or even via text can help make a girl fall in love with you. Share your thoughts and say sweet things to her from time to time so it feels genuine and not contrived. Everything from funny romantic notes left on the kitchen counter to a simple “thinking of you” text can go a long way.

Give Her Occasional Tokens and Gifts

Thoughtful gifts that show you were listening or know who she is can help make a girl fall in love with you. Elaborating gift-giving all the time won’t be as effective as giving great gifts on holidays and a few other random times throughout the year. From romantic gift ideas for her to sending flowers, occasional tokens of love and gifts are part of the love equation.

Be Romantic in the Bedroom

While it’s not the most important factor, your sex life can impact her love for you. Learn how to have romantic sex and make those moments special. Bedroom behaviors that are more focused on her than yours will also make her feel special and cared for.

Make Future Plans

Women like stability in relationships, so making future plans when appropriate can help her fall in love with you. Everything from planning a vacation together for next year to talking about your future goals as individuals can help her feel secure in your relationship.

Show Her You’re the Love of Her Life

If you know you’re in love with a woman and want her to feel the same way, understanding how to get the love you want can help you create a loving relationship with the woman of your dreams. Making a girl fall deeply and madly in love with you isn’t a matter of force, it’s about being the best version of you and understanding how that accentuates her life.

8 Subtle Signs You’re MORE Attractive Than You Think


8 Subtle Signs You’re MORE Attractive Than You Think

Do you think you’re attractive? Do you feel confident in your appearance? If you don’t – that’s a big problem. Chances are though, there are subtle signs you are an attractive guy. You’ve just missed them because introspection is hard.

Studies show being less confident in yourself makes you more likely to experience depression. I’m putting your worries at ease to stop that from happening. In today’s article, I’m sharing with you 8 subtle signs you’re a more attractive guy than you think.

You Find Yourself Locking Eyes With Lots Of People

Research by the University of Oslo in 2015 found that your brain gives you a dopamine shot when looking at something pleasurable. This dopamine shot is equivalent to eating your favorite food or winning the lottery.

As humans, we tend to stare at things we find pleasurable – art, film, and other people. There are different eye contact levels – so don’t assume that every woman you lock eyes with is interested. Sometimes our eyes are just wandering around, and they coincidentally meet with someone else’s eyes.

But – if a woman keeps looking at you even for short periods, it means she likes what she sees. If the eye contact comes with a smile, it can convey the intense emotions she has for you. This is considered a subconscious attempt to establish a connection with you.

Furthermore, suppose you notice a woman making eye contact, and she doesn’t look away when you catch her staring. In that case, this means she is even more interested and is trying to give you a hint to start a conversation.

Let’s face it, guys – we need all the hints we can get these days. And we definitely need to keep our appearance up with a natural face moisturizer – there’s no point in getting attention if we have a dry, flaky face!

Women Raise Their Eyebrows When They Look At You

When someone raises their eyebrows, it usually means they are either surprised or caught off guard. If someone looks at you and subconsciously raises their eyebrows, it’s another one of the subtle signs you’re attractive.

In the 1995 book, The Human Face: Emotions, Identities, and Masks, Dane Archer found that humans have less control over the top of their heads (eyes, brows, and forehead) regarding emotions.

Like smiling, raising your eyebrows is a natural reaction conducted by your brain; it can be done consciously, but usually isn’t. When women see an attractive person, they can also subconsciously make “duck” lips. Now – I’m not talking about your standard “duckface” that is found on social media. This is a much more subtle duckface that only lasts one or two seconds.

Look for a slight puckering of her lips – she’s subconsciously telling you she wants to kiss you. This gesture can be compared to licking lips, which also signals the same wish.

You Have a Growth Mindset

There are two different types of mindsets you can have – fixed and growth. The latter is one of the signs you are a more attractive guy than you think. In a fixed mindset, people believe their necessary qualities, like their intelligence or talent, are simply fixed traits. They spend their time documenting their intelligence or talent instead of developing them. They also believe that talent alone creates success—without effort.

In a growth mindset, people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work—brains and talent are just the starting point. This view creates a love of learning and resilience that is essential for great accomplishment.

Someone who has a fixed mindset is fixed – they never progress. However, someone with a growth mindset thinks anything is possible. Since you’re an RMRS reader – I know you have a growth mindset – otherwise, you wouldn’t be reading this article to improve yourself.

To women, this mindset is irresistible. Not only are you more positive, but you’re much more enjoyable to be around. Women are more attracted to men who are continually looking to improve themselves. This is also what makes you an excellent team player, which is very important and very attractive.

People Value Your Opinion Over Others

This point needs a little bit of background to be fully understood. In the 2011 book, “Beauty Pays: Why Attractive People Are More Successful,” Daniel Hamermesh found that attractive people earn 3-4% more than people with below-average looks and get hired sooner and promotions more quickly.

This shows that attractive people are more successful than unattractive people, and others will naturally assume you are successful based on looks. Following the idea that you’re successful, others naturally seek out the opinion of people like you. Women (or men) will naturally come to you for your thoughts because they want to emulate you and your success.

Others Go Out of Their Way To Help You

Have you noticed that others jump at the opportunity to help you with a problem you’re having – regardless of the situation?

The reason for this may be another one of the subtle signs you’re attractive. People are more likely to lend you a helping hand. We tend to subconsciously be friendlier and more generous to those we find to be beautiful.

People naturally help others when they want to feel better about themselves and appear better to others. In essence, she’s trying to help you to make herself look better in your eyes.

The halo effect comes into play here as well. The halo effect is a cognitive bias in which our overall impression of a person influences how we feel about their character.

For instance, if you’re viewed as attractive – the odds are others will think you’re naturally a good person. By helping you, a woman is trying to rise to your level of perceived goodness.

People Ask You A Lot of Questions

Why do you ask someone questions? The answer is simple – you want to get to know that person better. With over seven billion people globally, why on Earth would this beautiful woman be asking you so many questions?

Another one of the subtle signs you’re attractive is that women want to know you better. She’s taking the first step. She’s curious about you and is putting in effort towards understanding you.

Subconsciously, she’s also trying to get you to like her more. A study from the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology in 2017 found that people who ask more questions, particularly follow-up questions, are better liked by their conversation partners.

When people are instructed to ask more questions, they are perceived as higher in responsiveness. This interpersonal construct captures listening, understanding, validation, and care.

So the next time a woman asks you a bunch of questions – don’t be annoyed – take it as a compliment and start talking to her. Odds are she finds you attractive.

Everyone Around You is Happy

In “Biology: Your Brain In Love,” Helen Fisher found that when someone sees someone attractive, their brain hits them with dopamine – similar to how you feel when you look at a good painting.

It’s much more common for someone to smile at strangers they find attractive than someone they don’t. If you happen to notice that you get a friendly smile from most people you pass by on the street; chances are, they find you attractive.

We tend to smile at things or people that are aesthetically pleasing subconsciously. Giving a quick smile can be a way of flirting, but more often than not, it’s just a natural reaction to something pleasing to the eye.

Another sign that you’re more attractive than you think is that everyone laughs at your jokes. Now – you might be the next Larry David – but chances are you tell some jokes that fall flat.

If you notice that more times than not, others are laughing at your jokes, you’re probably attractive. Women are attracted to a good sense of humor in general and love when you smile. Don’t be afraid to smile and laugh with people – don’t laugh at people.

People Are Shocked That You Have Any Insecurities

We all have insecurities – you do, and so do I. It’s natural for people to have them – we have to make sure they don’t dominate our lives.

However, often we see signs someone is an attractive guy and put them on a pedestal. We assume they are perfect – an example of this is looking up to celebrities even though their ordinary people.

Looking at you, people think that you have somehow avoided all the common male insecurities. Everything is perfect at your end because you look self-confident and self-sufficient.

This is why most people are surprised when you mention specific aspects of your appearance that you’re not happy with or want to change. But the truth is, everyone struggles with low self-esteem from time to time. Any flaws you find seem minuscule to them; they probably don’t even notice whatever imperfection you spot in the mirror.

பெண்களை உருக வைக்கும் ஆண்கள் செய்யும் 11 விஷயங்கள்!

 பெண்களை உருக வைக்கும் ஆண்கள் செய்யும் 11 விஷயங்கள்!

பெண் உளவியலையும், ஒரு ஆணில் பெண்கள் உண்மையில் என்ன விரும்புகிறார்கள் என்பதையும் நீங்கள் புரிந்து கொள்ளவில்லை என்றால், பெண்கள் மிகவும் குழப்பமடைவார்கள். பெண்கள் உண்மையில் என்ன விரும்புகிறார்கள் என்பதை நீங்கள் அறிந்தவுடன், ஒரு பெண்ணை எவ்வாறு கவருவது மற்றும் பெண்களை எவ்வாறு சரியாக ஈர்ப்பது போன்ற ரகசியங்களையும் நீங்கள் திறக்க முடியும்.

உங்கள் வாழ்க்கையின் அன்பைக் கண்டுபிடித்து ஈர்ப்பதை எளிதாக்க நான் இங்கு வந்துள்ளேன்! பெண்களை உருக வைப்பதற்காக பையன்கள் செய்யும் விஷயங்களை இறுதியாக தெரிந்துகொள்ள தயாரா? பெண்களை உருக வைக்கும் ஆண்கள் செய்யும் 11 விஷயங்களுக்குள் முழுக்கு போடுவோம்!

அவளைக் கேளுங்கள்

நம்பர் ஒன் 

அவள் சொல்வதைக் கேட்பது. பெண்கள் பேசுவதன் மூலம் இணைகிறார்கள். இந்த கிரகத்தில் உள்ள அனைவரும் புரிந்து கொள்ள விரும்புகிறார்கள், இல்லையா? நாங்கள் பாராட்டப்படுவதையும் நாம் முக்கியமானவர்களாகவும் உணர விரும்புகிறோம். மேலும் யாராவது நாம் சொல்வதைக் கேட்கும்போது, ​​அது நம்மைச் சிறப்புற உணர வைக்கிறது. ஒரு கவர்ச்சியான ஆண் அவளைக் கேட்கும்போது இது குறிப்பாக உண்மை. அவள் உங்களுடன் இணைந்திருப்பதாக உணர்கிறாள்.

பலர் கேட்க நேரம் ஒதுக்காததால், நீங்கள் சிறப்பு வாய்ந்தவர் என அவள் உணர்கிறாள். புனிதப் பசு, அவள் சொல்வதைக் கேட்பவராக நீங்கள் இருந்தால், நீங்கள் அவளுடைய இதயத்தை உருக்கிவிடுவீர்கள். கூடுதலாக, நீங்கள் அவளைக் கேட்கும்போது, ​​​​அவளை நன்கு தெரிந்துகொள்ளவும், அவளை நன்றாகப் புரிந்துகொள்ளவும், மேலும் முக்கியமான சிறிய விஷயங்களை நீங்கள் கவனிக்கவும் உதவுகிறது.

அவளுடைய நாயின் பெயர் அல்லது அவளுக்குப் பிடித்த இசைக்குழுவின் பெயர் போன்ற சிறிய விஷயங்களை நீங்கள் நினைவில் வைத்துக் கொண்டு அவற்றைத் தோராயமாக வளர்க்கும்போது அல்லது ஏதேனும் ஒரு சிறப்பு நிகழ்வு நடந்திருக்கலாம், அதை நீங்கள் நினைவில் வைத்துக் கொண்டு அதைப் பற்றி அவளிடம் கேட்டீர்கள், புனித பசு, அவள் இப்போது அவள் முக்கியமானவள் போல் உணர்கிறாள். உனக்கு.

நீங்கள் சிறிய விஷயங்களை நினைவில் கொள்ளும்போது, ​​​​அவள் தனித்துவமாக உணர்கிறாள். அவள் சுவாரஸ்யமாக உணர்கிறாள். அதுவே அவள் இதயத்தை உருக்குகிறது. அது அவள் ஒரு துணையிடம் தேடும் ஒன்று. எனவே அவள் சொல்வதைக் கேளுங்கள், அந்த சிறிய விஷயங்களுக்கு கவனம் செலுத்துங்கள், உரையாடல் முழுவதும் அவற்றைக் கொண்டு வாருங்கள். அது உண்மையில் அவள் இதயத்தை உருக்கப் போகிறது.

அவள் பெயரைச் சொல்லுங்கள்

அவளுடைய இதயத்தை உருகச் செய்ய நீங்கள் செய்யக்கூடிய அடுத்த விஷயம் சிறியதாகத் தெரிகிறது, ஆனால் அது மிகவும் சக்தி வாய்ந்தது. இது அவள் பெயரைச் சொல்வது. மனிதர்களாகிய நாம் நம் பெயர்களைக் கேட்க விரும்புகிறோம். இது எங்கள் அடையாளம், இல்லையா? யாரோ ஒருவர் நம் பெயரைச் சொன்னால் மூளையில் நேர்மறையான இரசாயன எதிர்வினை ஏற்படுகிறது.

இப்போது, ​​நாம் ஈர்க்கும் ஒருவர் நம் பெயரைச் சொன்னால் இது குறிப்பாக உண்மை. எனவே நீங்கள் வெளிப்படையாக அதை மிகைப்படுத்த விரும்பவில்லை, உங்களுக்கு தெரியும், "ஹாய், ஜெசிகா! எப்படி இருக்கிறீர்கள், ஜெசிக்கா? ஜெசிக்கா, நான் உன்னைப் பற்றி நினைத்துக் கொண்டிருந்தேன், ஜெசிகா. ஜெசிக்கா, நான் உன்னிடம் ஒரு கேள்வி கேட்கலாமா, ஜெசிக்கா?

அவள் மிகவும் வேகமாக கோபப்படுவாள். மாறாக, உரையாடல் முழுவதும் சாதாரணமாக அவரது பெயரைப் பொருத்துங்கள். நீங்கள் அவளை முதன்முதலில் பார்க்கும்போது, ​​​​நீங்கள் அவளுக்கு ஒரு குறுஞ்செய்தி அனுப்பும்போது, ​​​​"ஏய், ஜெசிகா, நான் ஆச்சரியப்பட்டேன்" என்று அவளிடம் ஒரு கேள்வி கேட்கும்போது, ​​அது என்னவாக இருந்தாலும் சரி. நீங்கள் அவளுடன் பழகும்போது சாதாரணமாக அவளுடைய பெயரைப் பொருத்துங்கள். அவள் உன்னைச் சுற்றி இருக்கும்போது அவள் நன்றாக உணரவும், அவளுக்கு பட்டாம்பூச்சிகளைக் கொடுக்கவும், அவளுடைய இதயத்தை உருகவும் செய்யும்.

 ஆண்பால் செயல் (சரியான வழி)

அடுத்ததாக ஆண்களை உருக வைப்பது அவர்கள் ஆண்மையாகவும் வலிமையாகவும் செயல்படும்போதுதான். இதோ ஒப்பந்தம்: ஒரு பெண் ஆண்களைப் பாதுகாப்பதற்காகவும், வலுவாகவும், தன்னைப் பாதுகாப்பாக உணரவும் பார்க்கிறாள். ஒரு ஆண் ஆண்மையுடன் இருக்கும்போது, ​​அவள் உங்களுடன் பாதுகாப்பாக உணர்கிறாள். அவள் உன்னை தன் சூப்பர் ஹீரோவாகவும், பாதுகாவலனாகவும், தன்னைக் கவனித்துக் கொள்ளும் மனிதனாகவும் பார்க்கிறாள்.

அதுவும் பெண்கள் விரும்பும் ஒன்று. இது உண்மையில் ஒரு ஆண்பால் ஆணுடன் இருக்கும் போது பெண்களை அதிக பெண்மையாக உணர வைக்கிறது. இது உண்மையில் உங்களுக்குச் சாதகமாகச் செயல்படும், ஏனென்றால் அவள் அதிகப் பெண்ணாக இருக்கும் போது, ​​அவள் உங்களுக்கு மிகவும் கவர்ச்சியாகிவிடுவாள், மேலும் நீங்கள் அதிக ஆண்மையாக உணர்கிறீர்கள்.

இருப்பினும், ஆண்பால் என்றால் என்ன என்பது பற்றி ஒரு பெரிய தவறான புரிதல் உள்ளது. நமது சமூகம் ஆண்மை என்பது குகைமனிதன் போலவும், ஆணவத்தைப் போலவும் செயல்பட முயல்கிறது. இதை வேறு வழியில் எப்படி விளக்குவது என்று எனக்குத் தெரியவில்லை, ஆனால் நான் என்ன சொல்கிறேன் என்பது உங்களுக்குத் தெரியும் என்று நான் நம்புகிறேன். கரடுமுரடான மற்றும் கடினமான மற்றும் ஏறக்குறைய கொஞ்சம் சராசரி மற்றும் முறுமுறுப்பான வகை. மேலும் உண்மை என்னவென்றால், அது ஆண்மையே அல்ல.

அப்படி நடந்துகொள்வது, பெண்களை உங்களுடன் பாதுகாப்பாக உணராமல் அவர்களை பயமுறுத்துகிறது. அதனால் உங்களுக்கு சேவை செய்யப் போவதில்லை. இப்போது, ​​எனது அகாடமியில் உள்ள எனது வாடிக்கையாளர்களுக்கு சரியான முறையில் ஆண்மையுடன் இருக்க கற்றுக்கொடுக்கும் வழிகளில் ஒன்று, அவள் இதயத்தை உருகச் செய்து, அவளை உங்கள் மீது பைத்தியக்காரத்தனமாக ஈர்க்கச் செய்வது, உங்கள் நம்பிக்கையை அதிகரிக்கிறது. நம்பிக்கையுள்ள ஆண்கள் ஆண்பால் ஆண்கள்.

நான் கற்பிக்கும் மற்றொரு வழி, அவளை எவ்வாறு சரியாகப் பின்தொடர்வது என்பது. ஒரு ஆண் ஒரு பெண்ணை சரியாகப் பின்தொடர்ந்தால், அது நிச்சயமாக அவனை மேலும் ஆண்மையாக ஆக்குகிறது. அவள் உங்களுடன் பாதுகாப்பாக உணர்கிறாள். அவள் உன்னைப் பார்த்து, "அட, அவர் ஒரு நம்பிக்கையான, வலிமையான, ஆண்மையுள்ள மனிதர். அவர் சூடாக இருக்கிறார்!“ மேலும், ஒரு நல்ல மனிதர் மற்றும் கனிவான மனிதர், ஒரு பண்புள்ள மனிதர். பல சமூகம் என்ன சொன்னாலும், கனிவாகவும் மென்மையாகவும் நல்லவராகவும் இருக்க போதுமான உள் வலிமை கொண்ட ஒரு மனிதனை அவள் விரும்புகிறாள்.

வெளிப்புற வலிமையை விட உள் வலிமை மிகவும் முக்கியமானது. வெளிப்புற வலிமையில் எந்த தவறும் இல்லை என்பதல்ல, ஆனால் ஒவ்வொரு முறையும் உள் வலிமை மிகவும் முக்கியமானது. உங்களை நம்பிக்கையுடனும் ஆண்மையுடனும் சித்தரிக்க உங்கள் உடல் மொழி மற்றும் உடையை எவ்வாறு பயன்படுத்துவது என்பதையும் நான் உங்களுக்கு கற்பிக்கிறேன். அது நிச்சயமாக அவளுடைய இதயத்தை உருக்குகிறது, ஏனென்றால் அவள் உன்னை ஒரு ஆண்பால், வலிமையான மனிதனாகப் பார்க்கிறாள்.

அவளைப் பின்தொடரவும்

பெண்களை உருக வைக்கும் ஆண்கள் செய்யும் அடுத்த விஷயம், நீங்கள் அவளைப் பின்தொடர்வதுதான். இப்போது, ​​பின்தொடர்வது உங்களை ஒரு பெண்ணுக்கு எப்படி அதிக ஆண்மை ஆக்குகிறது என்பதைப் பற்றி பேசினோம். மேலும் இது, ஓ, ஒரு ஆண் பின்தொடர்வது ஒரு பெண்ணுக்கு எவ்வளவு கவர்ச்சியாக இருக்கும் என்பதை என்னால் ஒருபோதும் விளக்க முடியாது.

அது அவனுக்கு ஏதோ செய்கிறது

11 Things Men Do That Make Women Melt


11 Things Men Do That Make Women Melt!

Women can feel terribly confusing if you don’t understand female psychology and what women really want in a man. Once you learn what women really want you’ll also be able to unlock the secrets of how to impress a woman and how to attract women correctly.

I’m here to make finding and attracting the love of your life simple! Ready to finally know the things guys do to make girls melt? Let’s dive into 11 Things Men Do That Make Women Melt!

Listen To Her

Number one is to listen to her. Women connect through talking. And everyone on this planet wants to feel understood, right? We want to feel appreciated and like we matter. And when someone listens to us, it makes us feel special. This is especially true when a really attractive man is listening to her. She feels connected to you.

She feels like you’re special because many people don’t take the time to listen. So if you’re the one who’s listening to her, holy cow, you’ll melt her heart. In addition to that, when you’re listening to her, it helps you get to know her better, understand her better, and you can notice the little things that matter most.

And when you remember the little things and bring them up randomly, like the name of her dog or her favorite band, or maybe there was a special event and you remembered and asked her about it later, holy cow, she now feels like she matters to you.

When you remember the little things, she feels special. She feels interesting. And that right there just melts her heart. That is something she’s looking for in a partner. So listen to her, pay attention to those little things, and bring them up throughout the conversation. And it’s really going to melt her heart.

Say Her Name

The next thing you can do to melt her heart sounds small, but it’s insanely powerful. This is to say her name. As humans, we love to hear our names. It’s our identity, right? And we actually get a positive chemical reaction in the brain when someone says our name.

Now, this is especially true when someone we’re attracted to says our name. So you obviously don’t want to overdo it, you know, “Hi, Jessica! How are you, Jessica? Jessica, I was thinking about you, Jessica. Jessica, can I ask you a question, Jessica?“

She’s going to get annoyed really, really fast. Instead, just fit her name in casually throughout the conversation. When you first see her, when you send her a text, when you ask her a question, “Hey, Jessica, I was wondering,” and so on, whatever it is. Just fit her name in casually as you interact with her. It’s going to make her feel good when she’s around you, give her butterflies, and melt her heart.

 Act Masculine (The Right Way)

The next thing men do that makes women melt is when they act masculine and strong. Here’s the deal: A woman looks to men to be protective, to be strong, to make her feel safe. And when a man is masculine, she feels safe with you. She sees you as her superhero, as a protector, as that man who takes care of her.

And that’s something that women want. It actually makes women feel more feminine when they’re around a masculine man. This really works in your favor because when she’s more feminine, she becomes more attractive to you, and you feel more masculine.

There is a huge misunderstanding, however, about what it means to be masculine. Our society tries to act like masculinity is like a caveman and a macho thing. I don’t know how to explain it any other way, but I’m sure you know what I mean. Kind of rough and tough and almost a little bit mean and grungy. And the truth is, that is NOT masculinity at all.

Acting that way makes women not feel safe with you and scares them away. So that’s not going to serve you at all. Now, one of the ways I teach my clients in my academy to be more masculine the right way, to melt her heart, and make her insanely attracted to you, is increasing your confidence. Confident men are masculine men.

Another way I teach is how to pursue her correctly. When a man pursues a woman correctly, it definitely makes him more masculine. She feels safer with you. She sees you and thinks, “Whoa, he’s a confident, strong, masculine man. He’s hot!“ Also, being a good man and a kind man, a gentleman. Despite what a lot of society says, she wants a man who has enough inner strength to be kind and gentle and good.

Inner strength is far more important than outer strength. Not that there’s anything wrong with outer strength, but inner strength is more important every time. I also teach you how to use your body language and dress to portray yourself as confident and masculine. And that certainly melts her heart because she sees you as a masculine, strong man.

Pursue Her

The next thing that men do that makes women melt is when you pursue her. Now, we just talked about how pursuing makes you more masculine to a woman. And this, oh my goodness, I can never explain how attractive it is to a woman when a man pursues.

It does something to her, okay? It makes her see you as strong, as confident. As you show interest in her, her interest in you grows. And the truth is, it helps you feel more confident. It helps you feel more masculine. And you deserve to feel that way.

Now, many men get nervous about this simply because if you don’t know the right way to pursue her, there’s a lot of room for error, and you can fall flat on your face. And you don’t deserve that. And again, this is why I teach you in detail how to do this in my academy. So do make sure you watch that free masterclass to learn more.

Support Her

The next thing men do that makes women melt is when you defend her, support her, and stand up for her. Now, obviously, in today’s society, there’s not a lot of cause to physically defend her and fight off the bad guy. Although, obviously, that could happen.

But usually, what defending her means in today’s society is to stand up for her, support her. If there’s a discussion, back her up.Or if somebody is treating her unkindly, then politely and appropriately step in to support and defend her.

When a man does something like this, holy cow, he just became her superhero, okay? That is how you become her knight in shining armor. If she knows that you’ve got her back, if she knows you’re there for her, that does something to her that you can’t even imagine. It most definitely melts her heart.

Be Kind To Her

The next thing you can do to melt her heart is to treat her with kindness and sensitivity. Every person on this planet is imperfect. That’s no surprise to any of us. And we all need some compassion. We all need some sensitivity. We’re all a little bit self-conscious about one thing or another. And when she sees that you’re a kind and gentleman, then she knows her heart is safe with you.

Be Kind To Others

Now, the next thing you can do to melt her heart goes hand in hand with this. And that is treating others with kindness. When a woman is getting to know you and thinking about a lifelong relationship with you, she’s thinking about what effect you being a part of her life would have on her.

So how you treat her family, her friends, how you treat children. She’s always wondering how it’s going to affect her life. And when she sees that you are a kind and gentle man to others, not only her, now she knows that you actually are a kind, gentle man instead of just treating her well only to get the girl.

This is especially true when we’re talking about people who are weaker than you. So children or animals or someone who needs help in any way. When she sees that you treat people with kindness and compassion, you treat people well, holy moly, that’s how you melt her heart.

Give Her Gifts (If You Know Her Well)

Okay, the next way you can melt her heart is a little bit tricky, so pay close attention. This is to give her gifts. However, you need to make sure you’re giving her gifts at the right time. Many people hear this and then give her gifts before they even know her or have dated her for a while. Do not do this.

If you’re giving her gifts before you’ve been dating for a while, it will creep her out. The reason why is because you’re acting like there’s an emotional closeness that doesn’t exist yet because you don’t know each other well enough.

So that’s my word of caution. However, when you do know her well enough and you have been dating for a while, giving her gifts is adorable. And it doesn’t have to be huge. You don’t have to give her a yacht. It can be a rose or her favorite chocolate, or if you’re out and about and she says, “Oh, that’s cute,” you could buy it for her.

A lot of it depends on how long you’ve been dating. But those small gifts, especially when you’re in a serious relationship, are adorable. They let her know you’re thinking of her, and it certainly melts her heart.

Set Boundaries

Okay, the next thing men do that makes women melt is when you set appropriate boundaries. This is another thing that makes her feel safe. And it’s one of my favorite things to teach you how to do in my academy. It’s something most people don’t know how to do and aren’t doing, so it makes you stand out to her.

When she sees that you’re a man who sets appropriate boundaries, she feels safer with you. She sees that you won’t let people take advantage of you. And you’ll also support her and not let people take advantage of her. As humans, we tend to feel safe with people who set boundaries simply because we know where we stand. And boundaries can and always should be set appropriately and politely.

This is definitely something that may sound small, but it 100% makes her feel safe with you, which melts her heart.

Smile At Her

The next thing men do that makes women melt is when you smile at her. Never underestimate the power of a smile. When someone smiles at us, it releases feel-good chemicals in the brain, and we feel good. It gives us a positive boost.

And if I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a million times, people like people who make them feel good. Not only does it make her feel good, but it also helps her see that you’re a fun person to be around.

Nobody wants to marry someone who’s frowning all the time. That just wouldn’t really be that fun, would it? Instead, she wants someone who can be playful, who can be lighthearted, who can be enjoyable. Now, as kind of a bonus tip, it’s especially effective when you smile with your eyes, not just your teeth. You get a real connection with someone when they smile with their eyes.

Now, this is something you can practice if you want. There’s a big difference between just smiling with your teeth, or you can smile with your eyes, and your eyes can light up just as much as your smile. Feel free to practice that in the mirror. It’s incredibly effective. And the truth is, when you do that, You get a boost too. So it’s totally a win-win situation.

A lot of people think, “Well if you’re a strong man, you don’t smile.” And that is not true. The strongest men are willing to be vulnerable. And that includes smiling.

Dress Attractively

The next thing men do to make women melt is when you dress hot and take care of yourself. The truth is, you like it when she looks hot, right? It makes you feel good, it melts your heart, it gives you butterflies, and it makes you smile all over.

The same is true for her. When she sees that you look hot, it makes her feel amazing. When I teach you how to skyrocket your physical attraction in my academy, one of the things I teach you is how to dress to empower yourself.

This boosts your confidence and makes you feel amazing. It also catches her eye and gives her those butterflies, and makes her see you as an insanely attractive man. And the truth is, taking care of yourself and dressing nice even goes further than that. Because it shows that you have enough respect for yourself and her to want to look nice.

It helps her see that you want to be attractive to her for the entire relationship, instead of just to get the girl and then not worrying about how attractive you are anymore. Healthy relationships mean you create attractive habits, and you maintain them. Thankfully, creating healthy habits does not have to be complicated.

As a matter of fact, something I teach you in my academy is how to dress like a model on a budget. Like, it doesn’t have to be complicated, but it packs a very powerful punch.

Final Thoughts

On that note, if you’re ready to go from unsure to unstoppable in your love life, make sure you watch my free masterclass to discover all the things you’ll learn when you join me in Attracting Lasting Love Academy.

It’s time for you to go from unsure to unstoppable, right? So make sure you watch it now. Thank you so much for joining me in this article! I want to hear from you in the comments. Would you like more articles like this? If you would, comment “special” to let me know.

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