
Friday, February 18, 2022

11 Things Men Do That Make Women Melt


11 Things Men Do That Make Women Melt!

Women can feel terribly confusing if you don’t understand female psychology and what women really want in a man. Once you learn what women really want you’ll also be able to unlock the secrets of how to impress a woman and how to attract women correctly.

I’m here to make finding and attracting the love of your life simple! Ready to finally know the things guys do to make girls melt? Let’s dive into 11 Things Men Do That Make Women Melt!

Listen To Her

Number one is to listen to her. Women connect through talking. And everyone on this planet wants to feel understood, right? We want to feel appreciated and like we matter. And when someone listens to us, it makes us feel special. This is especially true when a really attractive man is listening to her. She feels connected to you.

She feels like you’re special because many people don’t take the time to listen. So if you’re the one who’s listening to her, holy cow, you’ll melt her heart. In addition to that, when you’re listening to her, it helps you get to know her better, understand her better, and you can notice the little things that matter most.

And when you remember the little things and bring them up randomly, like the name of her dog or her favorite band, or maybe there was a special event and you remembered and asked her about it later, holy cow, she now feels like she matters to you.

When you remember the little things, she feels special. She feels interesting. And that right there just melts her heart. That is something she’s looking for in a partner. So listen to her, pay attention to those little things, and bring them up throughout the conversation. And it’s really going to melt her heart.

Say Her Name

The next thing you can do to melt her heart sounds small, but it’s insanely powerful. This is to say her name. As humans, we love to hear our names. It’s our identity, right? And we actually get a positive chemical reaction in the brain when someone says our name.

Now, this is especially true when someone we’re attracted to says our name. So you obviously don’t want to overdo it, you know, “Hi, Jessica! How are you, Jessica? Jessica, I was thinking about you, Jessica. Jessica, can I ask you a question, Jessica?“

She’s going to get annoyed really, really fast. Instead, just fit her name in casually throughout the conversation. When you first see her, when you send her a text, when you ask her a question, “Hey, Jessica, I was wondering,” and so on, whatever it is. Just fit her name in casually as you interact with her. It’s going to make her feel good when she’s around you, give her butterflies, and melt her heart.

 Act Masculine (The Right Way)

The next thing men do that makes women melt is when they act masculine and strong. Here’s the deal: A woman looks to men to be protective, to be strong, to make her feel safe. And when a man is masculine, she feels safe with you. She sees you as her superhero, as a protector, as that man who takes care of her.

And that’s something that women want. It actually makes women feel more feminine when they’re around a masculine man. This really works in your favor because when she’s more feminine, she becomes more attractive to you, and you feel more masculine.

There is a huge misunderstanding, however, about what it means to be masculine. Our society tries to act like masculinity is like a caveman and a macho thing. I don’t know how to explain it any other way, but I’m sure you know what I mean. Kind of rough and tough and almost a little bit mean and grungy. And the truth is, that is NOT masculinity at all.

Acting that way makes women not feel safe with you and scares them away. So that’s not going to serve you at all. Now, one of the ways I teach my clients in my academy to be more masculine the right way, to melt her heart, and make her insanely attracted to you, is increasing your confidence. Confident men are masculine men.

Another way I teach is how to pursue her correctly. When a man pursues a woman correctly, it definitely makes him more masculine. She feels safer with you. She sees you and thinks, “Whoa, he’s a confident, strong, masculine man. He’s hot!“ Also, being a good man and a kind man, a gentleman. Despite what a lot of society says, she wants a man who has enough inner strength to be kind and gentle and good.

Inner strength is far more important than outer strength. Not that there’s anything wrong with outer strength, but inner strength is more important every time. I also teach you how to use your body language and dress to portray yourself as confident and masculine. And that certainly melts her heart because she sees you as a masculine, strong man.

Pursue Her

The next thing that men do that makes women melt is when you pursue her. Now, we just talked about how pursuing makes you more masculine to a woman. And this, oh my goodness, I can never explain how attractive it is to a woman when a man pursues.

It does something to her, okay? It makes her see you as strong, as confident. As you show interest in her, her interest in you grows. And the truth is, it helps you feel more confident. It helps you feel more masculine. And you deserve to feel that way.

Now, many men get nervous about this simply because if you don’t know the right way to pursue her, there’s a lot of room for error, and you can fall flat on your face. And you don’t deserve that. And again, this is why I teach you in detail how to do this in my academy. So do make sure you watch that free masterclass to learn more.

Support Her

The next thing men do that makes women melt is when you defend her, support her, and stand up for her. Now, obviously, in today’s society, there’s not a lot of cause to physically defend her and fight off the bad guy. Although, obviously, that could happen.

But usually, what defending her means in today’s society is to stand up for her, support her. If there’s a discussion, back her up.Or if somebody is treating her unkindly, then politely and appropriately step in to support and defend her.

When a man does something like this, holy cow, he just became her superhero, okay? That is how you become her knight in shining armor. If she knows that you’ve got her back, if she knows you’re there for her, that does something to her that you can’t even imagine. It most definitely melts her heart.

Be Kind To Her

The next thing you can do to melt her heart is to treat her with kindness and sensitivity. Every person on this planet is imperfect. That’s no surprise to any of us. And we all need some compassion. We all need some sensitivity. We’re all a little bit self-conscious about one thing or another. And when she sees that you’re a kind and gentleman, then she knows her heart is safe with you.

Be Kind To Others

Now, the next thing you can do to melt her heart goes hand in hand with this. And that is treating others with kindness. When a woman is getting to know you and thinking about a lifelong relationship with you, she’s thinking about what effect you being a part of her life would have on her.

So how you treat her family, her friends, how you treat children. She’s always wondering how it’s going to affect her life. And when she sees that you are a kind and gentle man to others, not only her, now she knows that you actually are a kind, gentle man instead of just treating her well only to get the girl.

This is especially true when we’re talking about people who are weaker than you. So children or animals or someone who needs help in any way. When she sees that you treat people with kindness and compassion, you treat people well, holy moly, that’s how you melt her heart.

Give Her Gifts (If You Know Her Well)

Okay, the next way you can melt her heart is a little bit tricky, so pay close attention. This is to give her gifts. However, you need to make sure you’re giving her gifts at the right time. Many people hear this and then give her gifts before they even know her or have dated her for a while. Do not do this.

If you’re giving her gifts before you’ve been dating for a while, it will creep her out. The reason why is because you’re acting like there’s an emotional closeness that doesn’t exist yet because you don’t know each other well enough.

So that’s my word of caution. However, when you do know her well enough and you have been dating for a while, giving her gifts is adorable. And it doesn’t have to be huge. You don’t have to give her a yacht. It can be a rose or her favorite chocolate, or if you’re out and about and she says, “Oh, that’s cute,” you could buy it for her.

A lot of it depends on how long you’ve been dating. But those small gifts, especially when you’re in a serious relationship, are adorable. They let her know you’re thinking of her, and it certainly melts her heart.

Set Boundaries

Okay, the next thing men do that makes women melt is when you set appropriate boundaries. This is another thing that makes her feel safe. And it’s one of my favorite things to teach you how to do in my academy. It’s something most people don’t know how to do and aren’t doing, so it makes you stand out to her.

When she sees that you’re a man who sets appropriate boundaries, she feels safer with you. She sees that you won’t let people take advantage of you. And you’ll also support her and not let people take advantage of her. As humans, we tend to feel safe with people who set boundaries simply because we know where we stand. And boundaries can and always should be set appropriately and politely.

This is definitely something that may sound small, but it 100% makes her feel safe with you, which melts her heart.

Smile At Her

The next thing men do that makes women melt is when you smile at her. Never underestimate the power of a smile. When someone smiles at us, it releases feel-good chemicals in the brain, and we feel good. It gives us a positive boost.

And if I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a million times, people like people who make them feel good. Not only does it make her feel good, but it also helps her see that you’re a fun person to be around.

Nobody wants to marry someone who’s frowning all the time. That just wouldn’t really be that fun, would it? Instead, she wants someone who can be playful, who can be lighthearted, who can be enjoyable. Now, as kind of a bonus tip, it’s especially effective when you smile with your eyes, not just your teeth. You get a real connection with someone when they smile with their eyes.

Now, this is something you can practice if you want. There’s a big difference between just smiling with your teeth, or you can smile with your eyes, and your eyes can light up just as much as your smile. Feel free to practice that in the mirror. It’s incredibly effective. And the truth is, when you do that, You get a boost too. So it’s totally a win-win situation.

A lot of people think, “Well if you’re a strong man, you don’t smile.” And that is not true. The strongest men are willing to be vulnerable. And that includes smiling.

Dress Attractively

The next thing men do to make women melt is when you dress hot and take care of yourself. The truth is, you like it when she looks hot, right? It makes you feel good, it melts your heart, it gives you butterflies, and it makes you smile all over.

The same is true for her. When she sees that you look hot, it makes her feel amazing. When I teach you how to skyrocket your physical attraction in my academy, one of the things I teach you is how to dress to empower yourself.

This boosts your confidence and makes you feel amazing. It also catches her eye and gives her those butterflies, and makes her see you as an insanely attractive man. And the truth is, taking care of yourself and dressing nice even goes further than that. Because it shows that you have enough respect for yourself and her to want to look nice.

It helps her see that you want to be attractive to her for the entire relationship, instead of just to get the girl and then not worrying about how attractive you are anymore. Healthy relationships mean you create attractive habits, and you maintain them. Thankfully, creating healthy habits does not have to be complicated.

As a matter of fact, something I teach you in my academy is how to dress like a model on a budget. Like, it doesn’t have to be complicated, but it packs a very powerful punch.

Final Thoughts

On that note, if you’re ready to go from unsure to unstoppable in your love life, make sure you watch my free masterclass to discover all the things you’ll learn when you join me in Attracting Lasting Love Academy.

It’s time for you to go from unsure to unstoppable, right? So make sure you watch it now. Thank you so much for joining me in this article! I want to hear from you in the comments. Would you like more articles like this? If you would, comment “special” to let me know.

Do you have a friend who needs to know how to make a woman’s heart melt? Make sure you share this with him. It’ll help him so much, right? And if you don’t yet follow me on social media, there are links above this article. I share exclusive content in my Instagram stories, so make sure you especially follow me there.

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