
Friday, November 4, 2022

Learn English

1. Listen and Repeat
- Best way to learn anything, is to listen and repeat.
- it could be anything your favourite talkshow, movie or a story. 

2. Speak to a friend
- Find a friend. 
- Try to converse only in english.
- It is a great way to increase your confidence and fluency.

3. Read more
- Be it a story book, newspaper or novel. 
- Read, Read and Read.

4. Make more mistakes
- Dont be worried about making mistakes. 
- The more you converse, you will become aware of your mistakes and stop repeating them.

5. Watch the pace you talk
- Best public speakers speak slowly. 
- Dont be in a rush.
- Speaking slowly increases confidence.

6. Set challenges
- It could be as simple reading a paragraph daily for a month. 
- Trying to speak in english for a minute on a random chosen topic.
- You may not do as expected the very first time.
- Slowly you will get good at it.

7. Control the way you speak
- Speak louder.
- Dont speak in fragments.
- It would mean lower confidence levels.

8. Watch your pronunciation 
- Learn how to pronounce words correctly.
- If not, it would impact the pace you talk. 
- subconsciously thinking if you are pronouncing words right or not.

9. Try to converse with yourself in english
- When you talk to yourself,
- you can have any random topic and you can try to fame the sentences at your own pace.

10. Try to think in english. 
- The conversations you have in your head , your thought process are usually in your mother tongue. 
- When you slowly tune to think in english, you get more confident about speaking in that language.

(Source - Twitter)
If you need someone to talk and practice, feel free to Inbox, DM , personally message me or send friend request.

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