
Wednesday, July 12, 2023

THE SIX LIES:Every leader who tell themselves that lead to their ruin



1. I DON’T NEED ADVICE. Every leader who crashed has this in common: they surrounded themselves with “Yes-Men” who built their egos, rather than mental superiors who challenged their complacency. Teachability is the leader’s greatest asset. It gives you access to the wisdom of others, the experience of mentors, and the favor of God.


2. I’M ENTITLED TO SPECIAL TREATMENT. Leadership may have its perks, but leaders should never think they’re entitled to those perks. Wise leaders have learned to manage influence, admiration and popularity with integrity, purity and humility.


3. YOUNG PEOPLE DON’T KNOW ANYTHING. If you’re not building a team with young leaders, you’re destined to fail. Having no loyalty to traditions and status quo, they question norms and challenge assumptions. This ability to see things differently enables young leaders to bring fresh insights and creative solutions.


4. NO ONE SHOULD QUESTION MY DECISIONS. Every successful organization had courageous leaders who created a culture where trusted people could give them open and honest feedback. Leaders who demand agreement and shut down debate will lose credibility, undermine unity and drive good people away.


5. FLIRTING WITH THE OPPOSITE SEX IS HARMLESS. Every leader must learn to avoid the sex trap. Avoid being alone with the opposite sex. Keep the door open if that’s unavoidable. Withhold frequent displays of physical affection. Refrain from frequent messaging. Avoid building emotional soul ties. Invest daily in your marriage.


6. I’M MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE PEOPLE AROUND ME. The danger with leadership is the tendency to think, “Because I’m the leader, I’m the important one and people should defer to me, honor me and recognize me.” Great leaders do not seek opportunities elevate themselves, they seek opportunities to elevate those around them.

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