
Sunday, December 3, 2023

 அன்றொரு நாள்

பெண் பார்க்க எல்லாரும் குடும்பத்தோட பொண்ணு வீட்டுக்கு போயிருந்தோம்.

ஒரு தட்டு நிறைய மிக்ஸர், முறுக்கு, நெய் பிஸ்கெட்டு, முட்டை பிஸ்கட்.

இன்னொரு தட்டுல சிக்கென் கட்லெட், பருப்பு வடை, பழ, பஜ்ஜி.!

குடிக்க காப்பியா டீயான்னு அவங்க கேட்க...

எல்லாரும் டீ, காப்பி ன்னு ஆர்டர் பண்ண...

நான் மட்டும் வித்தியாசமா இருக்கட்டுமேன்னு

"அய் லைக் ப்ளாக் டீ " ன்னு சொல்ல....

டீயும் வந்துச்சு...

எல்லோருக்கும் என்னையும் பிடித்து போக...,

பெண்ணை எங்க வீட்டிலும் பிடித்து போக...

கூச்சத்தை கலைத்து பழ, பஜ்ஜியை ஒரு கடி கடித்து...,

ப்ளாக் டீயை வாயருகே கொண்டு சென்று குடிக்க முற்பட்டேன்..

எங்க அக்கா பையனுக்கு என்ன தோணிச்சோ...



சோடா ஊத்தலையா"ன்னு கேட்க..

Rest is History.....



Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Here are 6 lessons from the book The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy by Jon Gordon

Here are 6 lessons from the book 
The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy by Jon Gordon:

1. Choose to be positive. You get to choose how you want to present yourself to the world each day. Choosing to be optimistic or negative is up to us. However, it's critical to keep in mind that our mindset spreads. When we are upbeat, we encourage those around us and foster a happier atmosphere.
2. Be a positive energy giver. The more positive energy we give out, the more positive energy we receive back. try your hardest to be nice, helpful, and encouraging to others around you.
3. Fuel your own energy. We can't give out positive energy unless we have it ourselves. be careful to look after your mental, emotional, and physical health. Consume wholesome foods, get enough rest, and work out frequently.
4. Be a positive energy multiplier. Be in the company of upbeat, inspirational people who encourage and uplift you. Additionally, radiate pleasant energy to everyone in your life.
5. Be enthusiastic. Enthusiasm is contagious. Those around you catch on when you're passionate about something. So make every effort to be genuinely passionate about your profession, your relationships, and your life.

6. Attitude is everything. Your attitude matters a lot. It affects both how you see the world and how other people see you. Adopting an optimistic outlook will change your life. The Energy Bus is a simple yet powerful book that can improve your quality of life. Anyone who wants to learn how to boost their energy and accomplish their goals should read it.



1. The less you say, the more your words will matter.
2. Don't take everything personally. Not everyone thinks about you, as much as yourself does.
3. When you focus on problems, you'll have more problems. When you focus on possibilities, you'll have more opportunities.
4. No matter how much it hurts now, someday you will look back and realize your struggle changed your life for the better.
5. There will always be a reason why you meet people. Either you need them to change your life or you're the one that will change theirs.
6. Never be afraid to try something new because life gets boring when you stay within the limits of what you already know.
7. When you are ignored by a person whose attention means the most to you, the reaction in your brain will be similar to physical pain.
8. Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.
9. Once you begin to take note of the things you are grateful for, you begin to lose sight of the things that you lack.
10. If you do not have control over your mouth, you will not have control over your future.
11. Life is a mirror and will reflect back to the thinker what he thinks into it.
12. Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you respond to it.
13. The only person you have to face in the morning is yourself.
14. Nothing feels as good as something you do from the heart.
15. You are a reflection of the 5 people you spend the most time with.
16. Your potential is directly correlated to how well you know yourself.

8 powerful lessons from Adapt: Why Success Always Starts with Failure by Tim Harford:

8 powerful lessons from Adapt: 

Why Success Always Starts with Failure by Tim Harford:

Lesson 1:
 Failure is not the opposite of success; it is part of success.
The most successful people in the world are not those who never fail, but those who learn from their failures and use them to improve.
Lesson 2: 
We need to be more comfortable with failure.
Our society is too afraid of failure. We need to create a culture where it is okay to fail, and where people are encouraged to take risks and try new things.
Lesson 3: 
We need to learn to embrace ambiguity.
The world is a complex place, and there are no easy answers. We need to be comfortable with ambiguity and be willing to experiment until we find what works.
Lesson 4: 
We need to be more open to different perspectives.
We all have our own biases and blind spots. We need to be open to the perspectives of others and be willing to challenge our own assumptions.
Lesson 5: 
We need to be more willing to learn from our mistakes.
We all make mistakes. The important thing is to learn from them and not make the same mistakes again.
Lesson 6: 
We need to be more adaptable.
The world is changing rapidly, and we need to be able to adapt to change. We need to be willing to change our plans and our strategies as needed.
Lesson 7: 
We need to be more resilient.
Failure is inevitable. We need to be resilient and able to bounce back from setbacks.
Lesson 8: 
We need to be more optimistic.
A positive attitude can help us overcome challenges and achieve our goals.



1. The less you share, the less likely people will be in your business.
2. You'll stop caring about people's opinion about your life.
3. You won't have to seek validation to do what feels right for you.
4. You'll attract peace into your life. You'll experience less drama, toxic energy and more time alone.
5. If everyone is your friend, you've a problem. You can't trust anyone with personal information.
6. The real flex is being private, staying low-key and telling no one about your life.
7. It'll be 10x easier to walk some paths alone to achieve your personal goals.
8. Privacy teaches you independence and how to connect with people on a deeper level.
9. Everyone leaves. You'll learn how to be alone and not feel lonely.
10. When you build in silence, people won't know what to attack.
11. People don't care so much about you. They only care on what you can offer.
12. People will want to know more about you when you talk less of yourself.
13. You'll owe no one any explanation about your personal life.
14. Not everyone is your friend, live a private life to never attract bad energy.
15. You'll learn when to be alone and when to be with others.

15 lessons from When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing by Daniel Pink:

15 lessons from When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing by Daniel Pink:

1. The Peak-Trough-Rebound pattern. Most people experience a daily pattern of energy levels, with a peak in the morning, a trough in the afternoon, and a rebound in the evening. This pattern can affect our mood, productivity, and decision-making.

2. The chronotype advantage. Everyone has a natural chronotype, or sleep-wake cycle. Understanding your chronotype can help you to optimize your schedule and performance.

3. The power of priming. Priming is the process of exposing someone to a stimulus that influences their subsequent behavior. You can use priming to your advantage to improve your focus, creativity, and decision-making.

4. The importance of rhythm. Rhythm is essential for human performance. We thrive on predictable patterns and routines.

5. The power of anticipation. Anticipating positive events can boost our happiness and productivity.

6. The paradox of the deadline. Deadlines can be both motivating and stressful. The key is to find a balance between setting ambitious goals and giving yourself enough time to achieve them.

7. The value of breaks. Breaks are essential for maintaining focus and productivity. Taking short breaks throughout the day can help you to come back to your work refreshed and more focused.

8. The power of napping. Naps can improve our alertness, cognitive function, and mood. However, it is important to nap for the right amount of time (20-30 minutes) and at the right time of day (early afternoon).

9. The science of synchronization. Synchronization is the process of aligning our schedules and rhythms with others. Synchronization can improve our communication, collaboration, and performance.

10. The power of ritual. Rituals are predictable sequences of actions that can help us to transition between different states (e.g., from work mode to home mode). Rituals can also help us to focus on our goals and to achieve our best performance.

11. The importance of timing your decisions. Some decisions are better made at certain times of day than others. For example, we are better at making creative decisions in the morning and more analytical decisions in the afternoon.

12. The power of strategic scheduling. Strategic scheduling involves scheduling your most important tasks for the times of day when you are most productive and when you have the least distractions.

13. The importance of timing your recovery. Recovery is essential for maintaining peak performance. Scheduling time for rest, relaxation, and exercise can help you to recover from your workday and come back to work refreshed and ready to perform.

14. The power of living in sync with your circadian rhythm. Our circadian rhythm is our natural sleep-wake cycle. Living in sync with our circadian rhythm can improve our sleep, mood, and overall health.

15. The importance of finding your rhythm of life. Everyone has a natural rhythm of life. Finding your rhythm and living in accordance with it can help you to achieve your goals and live a more fulfilling life.

I hope these lessons inspire you to use the power of timing to improve your performance and live a better life.

15 lessons from Malcolm Gladwell's book Talking to Strangers: What We Should Know about the People We Don't Know:

15 lessons from Malcolm Gladwell's book Talking to Strangers: What We Should Know about the People We Don't Know:

1. We have a default to truth bias. This means that we assume that people are telling us the truth, even when they are not.

2. We are poor at detecting deception. This is because we rely on cues that are often unreliable, such as body language and eye contact.

3. We are susceptible to the illusion of transparency. This means that we believe that we can understand the thoughts and feelings of others, even when we cannot.

4. We are prone to confirmation bias. This means that we seek out information that confirms our existing beliefs, and we ignore information that contradicts them.

5. We are susceptible to the coupling effect. This means that we have a tendency to group people together based on their appearance, profession, or other superficial characteristics. This can lead us to make inaccurate judgments about individuals.

6. We are prone to the fundamental attribution error. This means that we tend to overestimate the role of internal factors, such as personality and motivation, in explaining people's behavior, and we underestimate the role of external factors, such as the situation and social influences.

7. We are susceptible to the curse of knowledge. This means that we have difficulty understanding the perspectives of people who do not have the same knowledge as we do.

8. We are prone to the empathy gap. This means that we have difficulty understanding the experiences of people who are different from us.

9. We are susceptible to the transparency fallacy. This means that we believe that others can understand our thoughts and feelings as well as we can understand theirs.

10. We are prone to the default to trust bias. This means that we assume that people are trustworthy, even when we have no evidence to support this assumption.

11. We are susceptible to the confirmation of suspicion bias. This means that we are more likely to believe information that confirms our suspicions about others, even when the evidence is weak.

12. We are prone to the halo effect. This means that our overall impression of a person can influence our judgment of their specific qualities.

13. We are susceptible to the horns effect. This means that our overall impression of a person can be negatively influenced by a single negative trait.

14. We are prone to the anchoring effect. This means that we are influenced by the first piece of information we receive when making a judgment.

15. We are prone to the availability heuristic. This means that we make judgments based on the information that is most readily available to us, even if it is not representative of the whole.

Gladwell's book is a fascinating exploration of the challenges of interacting with strangers. He provides a number of insights into why we are so often wrong about the people we don't know. He also offers some advice on how to improve our ability to understand and interact with strangers.

By understanding these cognitive biases, we can become better at talking to strangers and building relationships with people who are different from us.

Ten lessons from "Twisted Lies" by Ana Huang.

Ten lessons from "Twisted Lies" by Ana Huang.

1. Trust can be deceiving: The book reminds us that trust can be fragile and easily manipulated. It teaches us the importance of being cautious and discerning when it comes to trusting others.

2. The power of perseverance: 
Thrillers often highlight the resilience and determination of their protagonists. "Twisted Lies" would likely emphasize the importance of persevering in the face of adversity and never giving up.

3. The complexity of human nature:
 Suspenseful novels often explore the darker side of human nature. Such stories can remind us that people are multifaceted, capable of both good and evil.

4. The consequences of secrets: 
Secrets have a way of unraveling and causing unexpected consequences. The book would likely explore the repercussions of keeping secrets and the impact they can have on relationships and lives.

5. The danger of assumptions: 
The novel may emphasize the danger of making assumptions about others. It could remind us to be open-minded and avoid jumping to conclusions without sufficient evidence.

6. The strength of intuition: 
Thrillers often highlight the importance of trusting one's intuition. The book might teach us to listen to our instincts and follow our gut feelings, as they can lead us to important truths.

7. The complexity of relationships: 
Suspenseful stories often involve complex relationship dynamics. "Twisted Lies" may explore the intricacies of friendships, romantic relationships, and family ties, highlighting their potential for both love and betrayal.

8. The importance of self-discovery: 
The novel might encourage readers to embark on a journey of self-discovery. It could illustrate how uncovering the truth about oneself can lead to personal growth and transformation.

9. The power of redemption: 
Thrillers often present opportunities for redemption and second chances. The book might explore the redemption arc of its characters, illustrating the potential for growth and change.

10. The value of resilience: 
Suspenseful novels often showcase the resilience of their characters in the face of danger. "Twisted Lies" might emphasize the importance of resilience and the ability to bounce back from challenging situations.

here are 7 tips on how to talk to anyone:

here are 7 tips on how to talk to anyone:

1. Be confident.
Confidence is key when talking to anyone. When you are confident, you project an aura of self-assurance that makes others feel comfortable around you. There are many ways to boost your confidence, such as practicing positive affirmations, dressing well, and standing up straight.
2. Be a good listener.
One of the most important things you can do when talking to someone is to be a good listener. This means paying attention to what the other person is saying, both verbally and nonverbally. It also means asking questions and showing that you are interested in what they have to say.
3. Be interesting.
People are naturally drawn to those who are interesting. This doesn't mean you have to be an expert on everything, but it does mean that you should be able to carry on a conversation and make others feel engaged. One way to be more interesting is to read up on current events, learn new things, and share your passions with others.
4. Be positive.
Positivity is contagious. When you are positive, it makes others feel good and it can help to lighten the mood. There are many ways to be more positive, such as smiling, laughing, and focusing on the good things in life.
5. Be respectful.
Respect is essential when talking to anyone. This means treating others with kindness and consideration, even if you disagree with them. It also means avoiding making hurtful or offensive comments.
6. Be mindful of your body language.
Your body language can say a lot about you. Make sure you are using positive body language, such as making eye contact, smiling, and standing up straight. Avoid using negative body language, such as crossing your arms, fidgeting, or looking away.
7. Be yourself.
The most important thing is to be yourself. When you are genuine, people can tell and they will appreciate your authenticity. Don't try to be someone you're not just to impress others.

All reactions:33

here are 7 lessons on The Joy of Work by Bruce Daisley:

here are 7 lessons on The Joy of Work 

by Bruce Daisley:

Lesson 1: Create a Clear Vision
Successful people know what they want and why they want it. They have a clear vision for their future and they are constantly working to achieve it. The first step to becoming a high-performance person is to get clarity on your goals and values. What do you want to achieve in your life? What are your core values? Once you know what you want and why you want it, you can start to develop a plan to achieve your goals.

Lesson 2: Generate Energy
High-performance people have a high level of physical and mental energy. They are able to sustain their energy levels throughout the day and they are not easily stressed or overwhelmed. There are many different things you can do to generate energy, such as exercising regularly, eating a healthy diet, and getting enough sleep. By taking care of your physical and mental health, you will have more energy to pursue your goals.

Lesson 3: Raise Necessity
High-performance people understand that high performance is not a choice, it is a necessity. They are driven by a deep-seated need to achieve their goals and they are willing to do whatever it takes to succeed. To raise necessity in your own life, you need to identify your why. Why do you want to achieve your goals? What will you gain by achieving them? Once you know your why, you will be more likely to stay motivated and push through challenges.

Lesson 4: Increase Productivity
High-performance people are able to focus on their most important tasks and get them done quickly and efficiently. They are not easily distracted and they are able to work for long periods of time without getting tired. There are many different things you can do to increase your productivity, such as setting goals, creating a to-do list, and breaking down large tasks into smaller ones. By using effective time management strategies, you can make the most of your time and get more done.

Lesson 5: Develop Influence
High-performance people are able to influence others and get them to support their goals. They are charismatic and they have a way of connecting with people on a deep level. To develop your influence, you need to be genuine, authentic, and trustworthy. You also need to be able to articulate your vision clearly and concisely. By building strong relationships and communicating effectively, you can inspire others to support your endeavors.

Lesson 6: Demonstrate Courage
High-performance people are not afraid to take risks and stand up for what they believe in. They are willing to put themselves out there and they are not afraid of failure. To develop your courage, you need to be willing to step outside of your comfort zone and face your fears. You also need to learn to trust your gut and not let other people hold you back. By taking action and overcoming challenges, you will build your confidence and resilience.

Lesson 7: Review and Adjust
High-performance people are constantly evaluating their progress and making adjustments as needed. They are not afraid to admit when they are wrong and they are always looking for ways to improve. To review and adjust your own performance, you need to track your progress and set regular check-ins for yourself. You also need to be open to feedback and willing to make changes when necessary. By continuously evaluating and refining your approach, you can ensure that you are on track to achieve your goals.

here are 7 lessons on Great Leaders Have No Rules by Kevin Kruse:

here are 7 lessons on Great Leaders Have No Rules by Kevin Kruse:
1. Challenge the Status Quo
Great leaders aren't afraid to challenge the status quo. They question conventional wisdom and seek out new and innovative ways of doing things. This willingness to break the rules can lead to breakthrough results and significant change.
2. Embrace Transparency
Great leaders are open and transparent with their teams. They share information freely, encourage feedback, and are willing to admit when they make mistakes. This transparency fosters trust and collaboration, creating a more engaged and productive work environment.
3. Focus on People, Not Processes
While processes can be important, great leaders prioritize their people. They invest in their employees' development, create a culture of appreciation, and recognize individual contributions. This focus on people leads to a more motivated and loyal workforce.
4. Embrace Vulnerability
Great leaders are not afraid to be vulnerable. They are willing to share their own struggles and imperfections, which humanizes them and makes them more relatable to their teams. This vulnerability can strengthen connections and build trust.
5. Be a Risk-Taker
Great leaders are not afraid to take calculated risks. They understand that innovation and growth often require stepping outside of one's comfort zone. This willingness to take risks can lead to groundbreaking achievements.
6. Trust Your Intuition
Great leaders learn to trust their gut instinct. They rely on their experience, judgment, and intuition to make decisions, even when faced with uncertainty or conflicting data. This ability to trust their intuition can lead to more effective leadership.
7. Lead with Passion
Great leaders are passionate about their work and their vision. They inspire others with their enthusiasm and commitment, creating a contagious energy that drives motivation and success. This passion is a key ingredient in inspiring and leading others.


1. People will respect you based on how you respect yourself, talk to people and how you treat people around you with respect and good and positive energy.

2. No amount of bribery can make people love you if you're a bad person.

3. Good behavior attracts  people to you, while bad behavior repels people.

4. Tell people your own story first. They will share theirs eventually. (The Art of Making Someone Confess).

5.Blind people are much sensitive.

6. If you want someone new to like you, then refer to people you’ve just met by their name. People love being referred to by their name and it will establish a sense of trust and friendship right away.

7.Be thankful for all the struggles you went through. They make you stronger, wiser and humble. Don't let it break you and let it make you.

 8. Slow eaters generally like to be in control and know how to appreciate life. Fast eaters tend to be ambitious, goal-oriented, open to new experiences, and often impatient.

9. Before talking to a new person, a smile from you gains their positive approach towards you.

10.70% of people pretend to be okay simply because they don't want to annoy others with their problems.

11. You don’t have to be good at all things to be rich, but you have to be good at some things in which no one can beat you.

12. People think that to be strong is to never feel pain . But in reality, the strongest people are the ones who feel it but get through it.

13.Apparently, it will only take up to 4 minutes to decide whether you like someone or not. As such, if you want to make a good impression on someone, you have only got around 4 minutes to do so.


Class dismissed

Here are 7 powerful lessons from the book Success Is Not an Accident: Change Your Choices; Change Your Life by Tommy Newberry

 Here are 7 powerful lessons from the book Success Is Not an Accident: Change Your Choices; Change Your Life by Tommy Newberry

1. Success is not random. It is the result of intentional choices. We all have the power to choose our own path in life. If we want to be successful, we need to make choices that are aligned with our goals.
2. Our thoughts and beliefs create our reality. What we think about ourselves and about the world around us has a big impact on our success. If we have negative thoughts and beliefs, they will hold us back from achieving our goals. But if we have positive thoughts and beliefs, they will help us to achieve our full potential.
3. We need to have a clear vision for our lives. What do we want to achieve? What kind of life do we want to live? Once we have a clear vision, we can start to make choices that will help us to achieve it.
4. We need to take action. We can't just sit around and wait for success to happen to us. We need to take action towards our goals every day. Even small steps can add up over time and lead to big results.
5. We need to be persistent. Success doesn't happen overnight. It takes time, effort, and perseverance. There will be setbacks along the way, but we need to keep moving forward.
6. We need to surround ourselves with positive people. The people we spend time with have a big impact on our success. We need to surround ourselves with people who support our goals, believe in us, and make us feel good about ourselves.
7. We need to be grateful for what we have. Gratitude is essential for a happy and fulfilling life. When we are grateful for what we have, we are more likely to achieve our goals and experience true success.
Success Is Not an Accident is a powerful and motivating book that will help you to achieve your goals and live your best life. It is a must-read for anyone who wants to be successful.

"The Midnight Library" by Matt Haig is a thought-provoking novel that explores themes of regret, second chances, and the pursuit of happiness.

 "The Midnight Library" by Matt Haig is a thought-provoking novel that explores themes of regret, second chances, and the pursuit of happiness.

Here are 7 lessons that can be derived from the book:
1. Embrace the present moment: The book reminds us of the importance of living in the present and appreciating the opportunities and experiences that are available to us right now. It encourages us to make the most of the present rather than dwelling on the past or constantly chasing an idealized future.
2. Regret is a natural part of life: The protagonist, Nora, experiences a multitude of regrets throughout the story. This reminds us that regret is a common human experience, but it's important not to let it consume us. Instead, we can learn from our regrets and use them as catalysts for personal growth and positive change.
3. Choices shape our lives: "The Midnight Library" highlights the power of choices and how they shape our lives. It encourages us to make decisions that align with our true desires and values, rather than succumbing to societal expectations or external pressures.
4. The grass isn't always greener: Nora explores different lives in the Midnight Library, realizing that even seemingly perfect lives have their own challenges and hardships. This reminds us that appearances can be deceiving, and true happiness often lies in finding contentment with what we have rather than constantly seeking something better.
5. Self-acceptance is key: Throughout the book, Nora learns the importance of self-acceptance and embracing her true self. It teaches us that we should love and accept ourselves for who we are, flaws and all, rather than constantly striving for perfection or trying to be someone we're not.
6. Relationships matter: "The Midnight Library" emphasizes the significance of human connection and the impact it can have on our lives. It reminds us to cherish our relationships, nurture them, and prioritize the people who truly matter to us.
7. Life is a journey of learning: The book encourages us to view life as a continuous learning process. It reminds us that even in our darkest moments, there is always something to be gained, and every experience, whether positive or negative, contributes to our personal growth and understanding.
"The Midnight Library" teaches us to appreciate the present, learn from our regrets, make choices that align with our values, embrace our true selves, value relationships, and view life as a journey of continuous learning and growth.

15 lessons from Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence by Daniel Goleman:

 15 lessons from Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence by Daniel Goleman:

1. Focus is the ability to direct and sustain one's attention. It is the key to excellence in all areas of life.
2. There are three types of focus: inner, other, and outer. Inner focus is the ability to understand and manage one's own thoughts, emotions, and motivations. Other focus is the ability to connect with and understand others. Outer focus is the ability to see the big picture and to identify opportunities and threats.
3. All three types of focus are important for success. Inner focus is essential for self-awareness and self-management. Other focus is essential for building relationships and teamwork. Outer focus is essential for strategic thinking and innovation.
4. Focus is not a fixed ability. It can be developed and strengthened through practice.
5. There are many different ways to improve one's focus. Some helpful strategies include meditation, mindfulness, and goal setting.
6. Distractions are a major obstacle to focus. It is important to identify and eliminate distractions in order to achieve one's goals.
7. Focus is essential for creativity. When we are focused, we are better able to generate new ideas and to solve problems.
8. Focus is essential for leadership. Leaders who are able to focus effectively are better able to motivate and inspire others.
9. Focus is essential for happiness and well-being. When we are focused on the things that are important to us, we are more likely to be happy and fulfilled.
10. Focus is the hidden driver of excellence. It is the key to success in all areas of life.
11. Focus is a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it becomes.
12. Focus is contagious. When you are focused, it inspires others to be focused as well.
13. Focus is essential for resilience. When you are focused on your goals, you are better able to overcome setbacks and challenges.
14. Focus is the key to living a meaningful life. When you are focused on the things that are important to you, you are living a life that is true to yourself.
15. Focus is a journey, not a destination. It is something that you need to work on continuously.
I hope these lessons inspire you to develop your focus and to achieve your goals.

"The Four Keys" by Jay Kitamura is a book that focuses on personal growth and success.

 "The Four Keys" by Jay Kitamura is a book that focuses on personal growth and success.

Here are 7 key lessons from the book:
1. Self-awareness: The first key to personal growth is self-awareness. Understanding your strengths, weaknesses, values, and beliefs is crucial in determining your goals and making decisions aligned with your true self. Take time to reflect on your thoughts, emotions, and actions to gain a deeper understanding of yourself.
2. Mindset: Cultivating a positive and growth-oriented mindset is essential for success. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, believe in your abilities, and maintain a positive attitude even in the face of adversity. Your mindset determines how you perceive and respond to situations, ultimately shaping your outcomes.
3. Goal setting: Setting clear and meaningful goals is vital for progress. Define your short-term and long-term goals, ensuring they are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Break down your goals into actionable steps and regularly review your progress to stay on track.
4. Action and perseverance: Taking consistent action towards your goals is crucial. Develop discipline and a strong work ethic to overcome obstacles and setbacks. Persevere through challenges, learn from failures, and adapt your approach as needed. Success often requires persistence and a willingness to go the extra mile.
5. Continuous learning: Commit to lifelong learning and personal development. Seek knowledge, acquire new skills, and stay updated with industry trends. Embrace feedback and learn from others' experiences. By continuously expanding your knowledge and improving yourself, you increase your chances of success.
6. Building relationships: Cultivate positive relationships with others. Surround yourself with supportive and like-minded individuals who inspire and motivate you. Network, collaborate, and learn from others in your field. Building strong relationships can open doors to opportunities and provide valuable support along your journey.
7. Balance and self-care: Strive for balance in all areas of your life. Prioritize self-care, including physical exercise, proper nutrition, adequate rest, and relaxation. Take breaks when needed and avoid burnout. Maintaining a healthy work-life balance ensures sustainable success and overall well-being.
Remember, personal growth is a lifelong journey, and these lessons from "The Four Keys" can serve as a foundation for your continuous development and success.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

 Positions are temporary

Ranks and tittles are limited

But the way you treat peoples

Will always be remembered 

"Your silence will not protect you."

 "Your silence will not protect you." - Audre Lorde.

While building in silence may be a strategy that some choose, it is important to remember that silence doesn't always shield us from attacks or criticisms.

When we choose to be silent about our achievements, goals, or ideas, we may unintentionally invite speculation, assumptions, or misunderstandings from others.

Instead of allowing silence to be a defense mechanism, we can focus on developing effective communication skills and assertiveness to express ourselves confidently and authentically.

By speaking up and sharing our accomplishments and aspirations with clarity and purpose, we give others a chance to understand and appreciate our journey.

In doing so, we also give ourselves the opportunity to shape the narrative surrounding our work and protect our own interests.

While it's true that not everyone will support or understand our endeavors, embracing our own voice and speaking our truth empowers us to find the right people who will encourage, uplift, and collaborate with us.

So, rather than relying solely on silence as a shield against potential attacks, let's strive for open and honest communication paired with resilience and self-advocacy.

Remember, your voice has the power to shape your own narrative and create meaningful connections with those who value and appreciate your journey.

Friday, July 14, 2023

வாழ்க்கை தத்துவம் 6

 ஒரு ஆறு பாயிண்ட் சொல்றேன் கேளுங்க..

1.எதற்கெடுத்தாலும் எல்லாத்துக்கும் 

கவலை படாதீங்க.

காலையில அழுதா

ஈவினிங் சிரிப்போம்..

துக்கமோ மகிழ்வோ எதுவோ 

அதிக நேரம் நம்ம உடல்நிலை  எடுத்துக்காது.

எல்லாம் கொஞ்ச நேரம். 

மீறி போனா அதை நீங்களே பிடிச்சு தொங்கறீங்கன்னு அர்த்தம். 

2.யதார்த்தம் பழகுங்க..

அதான் முக்கியம்.

யார்‌ வேணா கீழிருந்து மேலையும் மேலிருந்து கீழேயும் ஒரு நாளிலியே மாறிடுவாங்க.

எனக்கா இந்த நிலைமை ன்னு வாயடைச்சு போகாதீங்க.

உங்களை விட அவமான பட்டவங்க எல்லாம் உலகத்துல இருக்காங்க. 

3.எதையும் ஆழமாக நேசிக்காதீங்க.

எதையும் ஆழமாக யோசிக்காதீங்க.

ரொம்ப சிம்பிள் இது.

நேசித்தலும் அதற்கான 

யோசித்தலும் தான் அழுகைக்கு அடிப்படை காரணம் என்ற தத்துவத்தை புரிஞ்சுக்கோங்க. 

4.ஒருத்தவங்க போயிட்டாங்கன்னா கெஞ்சாதீங்க.

வேணும் வரை இருந்துட்டு திடீர்னு போறாங்கன்னா கஷ்டபட வேண்டியது அவங்க தான். ‌

நீங்க இல்ல.

உதாசீன படுத்தினா உதறி விடுங்க.

விலகி செல்பவர்களிடம் தானா போயிட்டு அன்பை கொட்டாதீங்க..

அதனால் வர அற்ப கவலைகளுக்கு

இடம் தராதீங்க..

அந்த நினைவுகள் மேலே எழும்பிச்சுன்னா ஒரே போடு போட்டு புதைச்சிடுங்க.. 

5.துரோகம் பழகுங்க...

பிறப்பு இறப்பு போல துரோகமும் 

மனித வாழ்வில் ஓர் அங்கம்.

ஏமாற்றத்தை ஏற்றுக்கங்க.

அப்பதான் அடுத்த முறை

ஏமாற மாட்டீங்க.

இழப்புகளை இயல்பாக்குங்க.

அப்போதுதான் இழப்புகளை பற்றி

கவலைபட மாட்டீங்க.

அவ்வளவு எளிதில் எவரையும்


வாழ்க்கையில் இதான் முக்கியம். 

6.ஆறுதலா இருக்க உங்களை தயார்படுத்திக்கங்க.

வேற யாரும் பண்ணுவாங்கன்னு நிக்காதீங்க.

உங்களுக்கு நீங்க தான் வேலைக்காரன் எஜமான் எல்லாமே..

Thursday, July 13, 2023

_Simple silent life rules _

 _Simple silent life rules _

1.Don’t be an emotional fool in making decisions or in a relationship. 😔

2.Don't over trust anyone or blind in love/friendship.

3.Spending time alone is better than wasting time with the wrong person.

4.Making friends that have the same goals like yours. Otherwise you are better off with your own company.

5.Surround yourself with positive people,stay away from negative vibe.

6.It is ok to make mistakes but never forget the learning.

7.Never lose your self respect to acquire someone in your life.

8.Cut off toxic people or fake people from your life that bother your blood veins.

9.Never change your vibes to fit into someone’s surroundings. 10.Remember, you are unique in your own way.

11.Don’t take too much stress, past or present. Neither You change the past nor predict the future. So chill…😗

12.People are like the weather they keep on changing with their needs. Don’t be suprised or sad with this.

13.Don’t go behind pleasing people. Do what you like or live in your own way.

14.Know your value, don’t settle for less. You deserve better.🤟

15.Love yourself or accept yourself the way you are💓.

13 Benefits of keeping your life private

 13 Benefits of keeping your life private

1.People don't get to see your plans, they only see results and this constantly keeps them guessing.

2.More respect. Over-familiarity with the public attracts disrespect.

3.Less hate, drama and toxicity from the public.

4..It helps you gain inner-peace and genuine happiness without seeking for validation

5.When you're private, people don't know how and when to attack you. So, you keep haters confused.

6..Other people can trust you more especially with their personal lives.

7.You don't have to depend on others to be happy.

8.It saves you from mental health problems

9.You prioritize your happiness and self-growth more which makes life more beautiful.

10.People can not use your weaknesses against you

11.You focus on your purpose, passion, good relationships and other things that matter most in life without constant distraction.

12.Your self-confidence increases.

13.You become a role model to others.

NB: being private is different from being secretive.

10 lessons from "The Art of Public Speaking" by Dale Carnegie:

 10 lessons from "The Art of Public Speaking" by Dale Carnegie:

1. Ask questions. Asking questions is a great way to get your audience involved and to get feedback on your presentation.

2. Tell stories. Stories are a great way to engage your audience and make your points more memorable.

3. Be enthusiastic. Enthusiasm is contagious, and it will make your audience more likely to be interested in what you have to say.

4. Speak clearly and slowly. Don't mumble or speak too quickly, or your audience will have trouble understanding you.

5. Use gestures and facial expressions. Gestures and facial expressions can help to emphasize your points and to make your presentation more lively

6. Smile. Smiling makes you look confident and approachable, and it also helps to put your audience at ease.

7. Become interested in other people. The most important thing to remember when speaking to an audience is that you are not the most important person in the room. Your audience is, and you need to focus on their needs and interests.

8. Vary your tone of voice. Don't drone on in a monotone voice. Use different tones to emphasize different points and to keep your audience engaged.

9. Use simple language. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that your audience may not understand.

10. Practice, practice, practice. The more you practice, the more confident you will become, and the better your presentation will be.

These are just a few of the many lessons that can be learned from "The Art of Public Speaking." If you follow these tips, you will be well on your way to becoming a more confident and effective public speaker.



1. People will respect you based on how you respect yourself, talk to people and how you treat people around you with respect and good and positive energy.

2. No amount of bribery can make people love you if you're a bad person.

3. Good behavior attracts  people to you, while bad behavior repels people.

4. Tell people your own story first. They will share theirs eventually. (The Art of Making Someone Confess).

5.Blind people are much sensitive.

6. If you want someone new to like you, then refer to people you’ve just met by their name. People love being referred to by their name and it will establish a sense of trust and friendship right away.

7.Be thankful for all the struggles you went through. They make you stronger, wiser and humble. Don't let it break you and let it make you.

 8. Slow eaters generally like to be in control and know how to appreciate life. Fast eaters tend to be ambitious, goal-oriented, open to new experiences, and often impatient.

9. Before talking to a new person, a smile from you gains their positive approach towards you.

10.70% of people pretend to be okay simply because they don't want to annoy others with their problems.

11. You don’t have to be good at all things to be rich, but you have to be good at some things in which no one can beat you.

12. People think that to be strong is to never feel pain . But in reality, the strongest people are the ones who feel it but get through it.

13.Apparently, it will only take up to 4 minutes to decide whether you like someone or not. As such, if you want to make a good impression on someone, you have only got around 4 minutes to do so.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023



1. You find a handsome one, the brain is empty.

2. You find a brilliant one. He looks too serious.

3. You find a rich one, he is disrespectful.

4. You find a hard-working one, he never has time for you,

5. You find a serious one, his EX keeps calling.

6. You find a humble one, he is broke.

7. You find a responsible one, he is not romantic.

8. You find an educated one, he feels he is always right.

9. You find an illiterate one, he always gets angry whenever you correct him.

10. You find a smart one, he lies every time.

THE SIX LIES:Every leader who tell themselves that lead to their ruin



1. I DON’T NEED ADVICE. Every leader who crashed has this in common: they surrounded themselves with “Yes-Men” who built their egos, rather than mental superiors who challenged their complacency. Teachability is the leader’s greatest asset. It gives you access to the wisdom of others, the experience of mentors, and the favor of God.


2. I’M ENTITLED TO SPECIAL TREATMENT. Leadership may have its perks, but leaders should never think they’re entitled to those perks. Wise leaders have learned to manage influence, admiration and popularity with integrity, purity and humility.


3. YOUNG PEOPLE DON’T KNOW ANYTHING. If you’re not building a team with young leaders, you’re destined to fail. Having no loyalty to traditions and status quo, they question norms and challenge assumptions. This ability to see things differently enables young leaders to bring fresh insights and creative solutions.


4. NO ONE SHOULD QUESTION MY DECISIONS. Every successful organization had courageous leaders who created a culture where trusted people could give them open and honest feedback. Leaders who demand agreement and shut down debate will lose credibility, undermine unity and drive good people away.


5. FLIRTING WITH THE OPPOSITE SEX IS HARMLESS. Every leader must learn to avoid the sex trap. Avoid being alone with the opposite sex. Keep the door open if that’s unavoidable. Withhold frequent displays of physical affection. Refrain from frequent messaging. Avoid building emotional soul ties. Invest daily in your marriage.


6. I’M MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE PEOPLE AROUND ME. The danger with leadership is the tendency to think, “Because I’m the leader, I’m the important one and people should defer to me, honor me and recognize me.” Great leaders do not seek opportunities elevate themselves, they seek opportunities to elevate those around them.

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

20 life lessons a wise man would share…

 20 life lessons a wise man would share…

1)No One is Perfect.

The quicker this is realized the faster you can get on with being excellent.  Start every morning ready to fight harder than you did the day before and run further than you ever imagine.

2)Avoid over explaining yourself.

  Be confident with who you are.

3)Keep balance in your life.

  Write down what’s most important to you and show up.  Sometimes we tend to do the things that are most important to us when it’s written down.

4)Play the hand you were dealt. 

Have the courage to face challenges head on it builds character.  Start looking for a way through instead of a way out.

5)Be a student of life.  

Learn something new every day.  The day you stop learning is the day you become obsolete so keep learning.

6)No Excuses. 

Stop making excuses replace them with ways to do better.  Excuses are a waste of time and energy.

7)Let others know where you Stand.

  Be uncompromising and be up front when someone steps on your core values.

8)Never be afraid of a challenge.

  You put on your shoes like every other man.  Now it comes down to who wants it more.

9)Service to others.

  Small, simple or important be a volunteer and give the very best of you.

10)Work like hell. 

Everyone has a job to do so do it.  Cross every “T” and dot every “I”.

11)Discover You.

Find your passion, life purpose, and take action.

12)Don’t take it Personal.  

Don’t be afraid to laugh at yourself self confidence shows that you’re comfortable in your own skin.

13)Manage your time. 

Our situation and environment is ever changing so be careful not to confuse the things that are urgent with the things that are important.  Look for time wasters and eliminate them.

14)Ask for help. 

Life can be tough remember you never have to do it alone.

15)Do your homework.  

Know what you getting into before you start.  Doing your homework reduces uncertainty and fear.

16)Day Dream Often.  

On the weekend when you are relaxing embrace a day dream.

Tips on the rules of living with people:

 Tips on the rules of living with people:


1. When you meet young people - INSPIRE THEM.

2. When you meet children - EDUCATE THEM.

3. When you meet old people - HELP THEM.

4. When you meet wise people - STUDY THEM.

5. When you meet leaders - HONOUR THEM.

6. When you meet foolish people - AVOID THEM.

7. When you meet humble people - TREASURE THEM.

8. When you meet arrogant people - IGNORE THEM.

9. When you meet gracious people - EMULATE THEM.

10. When you meet aspirational people - ELEVATE THEM.

11. When you meet strong people - SUPPORT THEM.

12. When you meet godly people - BLESS THEM.

13. When you meet elderly people - RESPECT THEM.

14. When you meet weak people - STRENGTHEN THEM.

15. When you meet hardworking people - ENCOURAGE THEM.

16. When you meet kind people - ESTEEM THEM.

17. When you meet Honest people -


18. When you meet virtuous people - REWARD THEM.

19. When you meety evil people - EVADE THEM.

20. And in all situation “Watch, Pray and wish everyone well.

1. Dr. Ben Carson said, "I struggled academically throughout elementary school yet became the best neurosurgeon in the world in 1987."

LESSON: Struggling is a sign that you are on a verge of success. Don't quit yet. 

2. Bill Gates said, "I didn't even complete my university education but became the world's richest man." 

LESSON: School does not make you rich. School is only supposed to polish what will make you rich, not make you rich.

3. Christiano Ronaldo said, "I told my father that we would be very rich but he couldn't believe me. I made it a reality." 

LESSON: Your words rule your life. If you mean what you have said, each word will come to pass. You get what you say. 

4. Hear Lionel Messi!, "I used to serve tea at a shop to support my football training and still became one of the world's best footballers."

LESSON: Believe in your dream. Don't let your pain tell you how your future will look like. 

5. Steve Jobs penned, "I used to sleep on the floor in my friends' rooms, returning coke bottles for food, money, and getting weekly free meals at a local temple, I later on founded Apple Company." 

LESSON: That you are small today doesn't mean you will be small tomorrow. Keep trusting God.

6. Former British PM, Tony Blair said & I quote, "My teachers used to call me a failure, but I became a Prime Minister."

LESSON: Don't let someone else's opinions of you become your reality.

7. Bishop David Oyedepo said, "I started Living Faith Church from a lawn tennis court with three members only & preached prosperity. Many of my friends criticised me, but today we have the largest church auditorium in the world & two world-class universities."

LESSON: Believe in yourself even if no one does & never think of quitting.

8. Nelson Mandela said, "I was in prison for 27 years & still became president."

LESSON: You can be anything you want to be no matter where you have been or what you have been through.

9.REECE "I drove a taxi to finance my university education but today I'm a billionaire." 

LESSON: Don't let your past decide the kind of future you need to have.

10. Harland Sanders, Founder of KFC said, "I was on the verge of suicide when an Idea of opening a restaurant hit me after I retired as a cook in the Navy."

LESSON: Nothing is ever too late. "Too late" is a language of failures. Your future can begin at any age. Don't ever let AGE limit you.

11. Aliko Dangote said, "I worked for my uncle since I was a small boy, people looked down on me. I later on took a loan from my uncle to open a tiny shop. I worked hard to make ends meet. Now I am the richest Man in Africa.

LESSON: Failures or limitations of the past have no control over the greatness in you. To him that believes, all things are possible.

12. Barack Hussein Obama said, I am a son of a black immigrant from Kenya, I graduated from Harvard and later on became a Senator in Chicago. I was also the President of the most powerful nation on Earth.

LESSON: Never design your life like a garden where anyone can walk in and out. Design it like the sky where everyone aspires to reach!

13. Arnold Swarzzenegger said, I traveled to America in search of financial independence when I was 15yrs old. I became the world's strongest man 7 times and Mr Universe. I then got my Economics degree, then I became one of Hollywood's best actors before I was voted twice as governor of California."

LESSON: Don't wait for everybody to believe in your ability and dreams.



1.  Be silent - in the heat of


2.  Be silent - when you don't

     have all the facts.

3.  Be silent - when you

     haven't verified the story.

4.   Be silent - if your words 

     will offend a weaker Person.

5.  Be silent - when it is time 

     to listen.

6.  Be silent - when you are 

     tempted to make light of 

     holy things.

7.  Be silent - when you are 

     tempted to joke about  sin.

8.  Be silent - if you would be

     ashamed of your word  later.

9.  Be silent - if your words 

     would convey the wrong 


10. Be silent - if the issue is 

      none of your business.

11. Be silent - when you are 

      tempted to tell an  outright lie.

12. Be silent - if your words 

      will damage someone  else's reputation.

13. Be silent - if your words 

      will damage a friendship.

14. Be silent - when you are 

      feeling critical.

15. Be silent - if you can't  

      say it without screaming.

16. Be silent - if your words 

      will be a poor reflection 

      of your friends and family.

17. Be silent - if you may   

       have to eat your words 


18. Be silent - if you have 

       already said it more 

       than one time.

Monday, July 10, 2023

Top 12 Lessons learned From Book: “12 Rules For Life“

 Top 12  Lessons learned From  Book:  “12 Rules For Life“

1) Stand up straight with your shoulders back

🟠 The poor and stressed always die first, and in greater numbers. They are also much more susceptible to non-Infectious diseases. When the aristocracy catches a cold, as it is said, the working class dies of pneumonia.

2) Treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping

🟠 People are better at properly administering

prescription medication to their pets than to

themselves. Consider your future and think, ‘What might my life look like if I were caring for myself properly?

3) Make friends with people who want the best for you.

🟠 Friendship is a reciprocal arrangement, you are not morally obliged to support someone who is making the world a worse place. Quite the opposite, you should choose people who want things to be better, not worse.

4)Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today

🟠 You’ve got specific problems. Run your own race and avoid peering in the lane next to you.

5) Don't let your children do anything that makes you dislike them

🟠 Many parents want their children’s friendship above all, and are willing to sacrifice respect to get it. That’s not good.

6) Set your house in order before you criticize the world

🟠 Consider your circumstances, start small, have you taken full advantage of the opportunities presented to you? Start to stop doing something that you know to be wrong.

7) Pursue what is meaningful, not what is expedient

🟠 Follow your impulses and live for the moment.We should delay our gratification in service of what is meaningful. That Means that something may be better attained in the future by giving up something of value in the present.

8) Tell the truth or at least don’t lie

🟠 Those are not merely two different choices. They are different pathways through life.

If you don’t reveal yourself to others, you can’t reveal yourself to yourself.

9) Assume the person you are listening to knows something that you don’t.

🟠 If you believe every person can teach you something, you open yourself up to growth and learning in every encounter with another human being.

10)Be precise in your speech

🟠 Specify the problem, is to admit that it exists, which can be confronting.

11) Don't bother the children when they are


🟠 As you age without maturing, you will become worthless and bitter, but you will never have to take any responsibility, and everything you do that’s wrong will always be someone else’s fault.

12) Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street

🟠 Wonder of being might make up for the ineradicable suffering the accompanies it. Noticing is better than thinking.

You can't improve if you don't know what you're doing wrong.

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