
Tuesday, May 16, 2023

10 things every man must learn from Thomas Shelby:

 10 things every man must learn from Thomas Shelby:

1. Loyalty: 

Thomas is fiercely loyal to his family and his gang. 

He'll do whatever it takes to protect them and keep them safe. 

As a man, it's important to be loyal to those you care about and stand up for them when necessary.

2. Confidence: 

Thomas exudes confidence in everything he does. 

Whether he's negotiating a deal or engaging in hand-to-hand combat, he's always cool, calm, and collected. 

As a man, it's crucial to have confidence in yourself and your abilities.

3. Emotional intelligence: 

Despite his tough exterior, Thomas has a deep understanding of human emotions

He knows how to read people & use their emotions to his advantage

As a man, it's important to develop emotional intelligence in order to navigate complex social situations

4. Discipline: 

Thomas is a man of discipline. 

He's able to control his emotions and stay focused on his goals. 

As a man, it's important to develop discipline in order to achieve success.

5. Strategic thinking: 

Thomas is known for his exceptional strategic thinking. 

He's always several steps ahead of his opponents and knows how to play the long game. 

As a man, it's essential to develop strategic thinking skills in order to succeed in life.

6. Leadership: 

Thomas is a natural leader. 

He commands respect from his peers and is able to rally his troops to achieve their goals. 

As a man, it's important to learn how to lead effectively and inspire those around you to achieve greatness.

7. Adaptability: 

Thomas is able to adapt to new situations and environments quickly.

He's comfortable in both high society and the seedy underbelly of Birmingham. 

As a man, it's important to be adaptable and comfortable in any situation.

8. Resourcefulness: 

Thomas is a master of resourcefulness. 

He's able to make the most out of any situation and use his limited resources to his advantage. 

As a man, it's important to be resourceful and learn how to make the most out of what you have.

9. Resilience: 

Thomas has been through some tough times, but he always manages to bounce back. 

He's a survivor and never gives up. 

As a man, it's important to develop resilience and learn how to bounce back from setbacks.

10.  Vision: 

Thomas has a clear vision for his future and knows exactly what he wants.

He's able to see the big picture and make decisions that will help him achieve his goals.

As a man, it's important to have a clear vision for your future and work towards it every day.

Thanks for reading

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