
Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Top 5 Lessons learned from book -" BELIEVE YOU CAN "

 Top 5 Lessons learned from book -" BELIEVE YOU CAN "

1. If Youre Not You, Then Who Are You Going to Be?

Be yourself. Think about it: Arent most of the discontented people you know trying to be someone they arent or trying to do something theyre not supposed to do? A Congolese proverb asserts, Wood may remain ten years in the water, but it will never become a crocodile. Nobody is as disappointed and unhappy as the person who spends her life longing to be somebody else..

2. Dont Build a Case Against Yourself

Stewart Johnson commented, Our business in life is not to get ahead of others, but to get ahead of ourselvesto break our own records, to outstrip our yesterday by our today, to do our work with more force than ever before. Stop looking only at where you are and start looking at what you can be. If you doubt yourself, listen to Alexandre Dumas: A person who doubts himself is like a man who enlists in the ranks of his enemy and bears arms against himself. Tim Redmond cautions, Dont commit treason against your own life and purpose.

3. Thomas Edison Was Afraid of the Dark

Yes! Edison was afraid of the darkyet he overcame that obstacle in a big way and invented the light bulb. The door to opportunity swings on the hinges of adversity. Problems are the price of progress. The obstacles of life are intended to make us better, not bitter. Adversity has advantages. Dont let your problems take the leadyou take it. The difficulty you face is simply an opportunity for you to do your best.

4. You Can Only Live Today

Seize the moment! Opportunities are constantly either coming to you or by you. Today was once the future from which you expected so much in the past. Horatio Dresser said, The ideal never comes. Today is ideal for him who makes it so. Live for today. Dont let what you have within your grasp today be lost entirely because the future intrigues you and the past disheartens you.

5. Be a Little Kinder Than You Have to Be

Serving others is one of lifes most awesome privileges. Hunt for the good points in people. Remember, they have to do the same in your case. Then do something to help them. If you want to get ahead, be a bridge instead of a wall. Love others more than they deserve. Albert Schweitzer said, The only ones among you who will really be happy are those who have sought and found how to serve. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin commented, The most satisfying thing in life is to have been able to give a large part of oneself to others.

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