
Wednesday, May 31, 2023

The difference between being Nice and being Kind

 The difference between being Nice and being Kind

One of my female friends was telling me the other day how kind her newfound boyfriend was, 

She was full of emotions and beaming with excitement as she share the story with me.

The guy took her to one of the most expensive eateries in town, bought her fine clothes, and blah blah blah.

This girl have an exam the day they went out, his kind guy paid somebody to help her out because he need to be with her that day.

I told her his guy was only nice not kind.

niceness involves doing something that is pleasing or agreeable, taking the girl out is pleasing to her but not helpful. By contrast, kindness is doing something that is helpful to others, or that comes from a place of benevolence.

Asking you to leave your exam in other to spend money on you is not kindness, 

Being nice is a result of social conditioning and expectations of how we should act. In many ways, these unofficial rules are a good thing, leading us to be polite and helping us avoid conflict. Yet too often, niceness is prioritized over true kindness — which can be damaging and destructive.

For instance, a nice person may tell a neighbor that they are sorry that they are sick — while a kind person will make effort to make sure the neighbor gets better by buying drugs of getting them food.

Being kind doesn't always mean being nice, the boy friend of my friend might compel her to sit for her exam instead of taking her out, he might even add some pressure to make her sit for the exam.

She might consider who compels her to sit for her exam harsh and another guy who takes her out nice.

Don't just do what is pleasing to people, do what is helpful.


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