
Wednesday, May 31, 2023

If you want people to respect you as a man,

 If you want people to respect you as a man, 

read this:

1. Be relentlessly proactive.

Don’t always wait for direction from others. 

Use your own skills and resources to start getting things done and solve problems. 

Get in the habit of figuring things out for yourself. Don’t be afraid of a challenge, that doesn't mean you won't seek for help but let it not become a habit.

2. Keep your promises.

This is by far one of the most important actions you can take to start gaining respect.

Always honor commitments and promises.

If you find yourself having a lot of trouble with that, it means you make too many promises you can’t keep. Instead of promising without fulfilling them, don't promise.

3. Stop being too nice.

Distinguish kindness from always having to do things for people. 

There is a difference between being nice and being kind, know the difference and know peace

Trying to make everyone happy won’t get you very far. Being a pushover is highly undesirable if your goal is to be respectable.

4. Practice humility.

You’re not always going to be right, and you’re not the best at everything. Every person you meet can teach you something.

Confidence doesn’t come from a place where you’re the best.

5. Have a moral code.

Many overlook this important little piece of advice. 

What do you believe in? 

What’s important to you? 

What do you want to change the world? 

These kinds of questions will get you to the core of your own personal moral code.

• Be disciplined

• Be self-confident

• Build strong habits

• Chase goals, not women

6. Control your emotions.

Make sure to curb your instant reactions to things that make you highly emotional—whether it is good or bad.

Good leaders and well-respected people know the difference between responding and reacting.

7. Care about others.

Start caring about others. Pay attention to your surroundings and the people in your life.

It shows that you don’t only focus on yourself,and that you have the emotional capability to pay attention and give help when needed.

Make all the men around you read this post.

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