
Monday, April 24, 2023

14 Signs of Fake Nice People.

 14 Signs of Fake Nice People. 

1. Insincerity: Fake nice people may appear polite and friendly, but their tone of voice, body language, or facial expressions may reveal a lack of genuine interest or concern.

2. Attention seeking: Fake nice people are desperate to be liked and noticed.  

3. Overly excited: Fake people tend to exaggerate their feelings in order to draw attention to themselves and draw others in.

4. Gossiping: Fake nice people may engage in gossip or speak negatively about others behind their backs, despite putting on a pleasant face in front of them.

5. Ghosting: A lot of fake-nice people are ghost others. If this person is constantly leaving you hanging, like ignoring your calls, texts, or leave you when you most need them, it is most likely that they are fake nice people.

6. Inconsistent behaviour: Fake nice people may behave differently in private than they do in public or may switch between being friendly and cold depending on who they are with.

7. Flattery: Fake nice people may use excessive flattery or compliments to gain favour or manipulate others, rather than expressing genuine admiration or appreciation. They are the sweetest only when they want something from you.

8. Over Promising: Fake nice people only want others to think they can do things. They want people to think highly of them, so they make many promises to keep that facade up. As a result, they can promise things they can’t accomplish.

9. Superficiality: Fake nice people may focus on superficial or materialistic topics, rather than engaging in deeper or more meaningful conversations.

10. Lack of empathy: Fake nice people may be unable or unwilling to empathize with others' feelings or experiences and may prioritize their own interests over others.

11. Disregard for boundaries: Fake nice people may ignore or dismiss others' boundaries, such as by invading personal space or overstepping social norms.

12. Self-centeredness: Fake nice people may prioritize their own needs and desires over others’ and may become hostile or defensive if they feel their needs are not being met.

13. Insensitivity: Fake nice people may make insensitive comments or jokes or may trivialize others' problems or concerns.

14. Inauthenticity: Fake nice people may present a false image of themselves, either by exaggerating their accomplishments or interests or by hiding aspects of their true personality or beliefs.

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