
Monday, April 24, 2023

The 12 Habits that Destroy Your Focus and Productivity.

 The 12 Habits that Destroy Your Focus and Productivity. 

1 Having several casual relationships. They can be serious distractions, energy consuming and time draining.

2 Not practising ‘’Kaizen’’. Kaizen is a compound of two Japanese words that together translate as "good change" or "improvement", which means smaller steps leads to bigger one. Start anything you want to do and maintain regular improvement of at least 1% and see where you will be in the nearest future.

3 Not finishing what you have started. This can be more than a bad habit and stems from fears and hesitations, which can be considered as procrastination paralysis.

4 Not following the ‘’first thing first’’ rules. People who put first things first focus on the important, not just the urgent, act on priorities, plan weekly and act daily. You are putting first things first when you organize your time around the most important things and eliminate the unimportant.

5 Starting your days scrolling on Instagram and ending the day on Tiktok or snapchat. Checking social media is not only distracting and stunts productivity, but it can even spark negative feelings. Life is stressful enough, don't add to it. Begin your morning with positivity, focus on your goals and get ready conquer the day.

6 Not having control over your thoughts but allowing your mind to wander away from important things. Mind-wandering keeps you away from attention demanding tasks.

7 Disobeying the Pareto principle. The Pareto Principle states that 80% of consequences come from 20% of the causes. Investing just 20 percent of effort can help you reach 80 percent of overall result.

8 Lack of the ability to do the right thing at the right time which is the real definition of efficiency. People who do the right thing at the wrong time can be frustrated and ineffective. 

9 Setting goals or tasks that lack objectives. Before making setting a goal, take a closer look at what you are trying to achieve and ask yourself if the goal is something you truly want, if it aligns with your values or other goals, and if it important enough to put in hours of time and effort into it. If you are not willing to put in the time and efforts, it may not be worth pursuing.

10 Not involving a ‘’Deadline’’ with whatever you are doing in life. Deadlines make clear what we are expected to deliver and when, which clear confusion and raise a sense of urgency. 

11 Lack of patience. We lose our patience occasionally. But doing so frequently or inappropriately can harm your reputation, damage your relationships, increase stress, or escalate a difficult situation.

12 Not having enough sleep. Playing some video games or watching series when you supposed to be refreshing your brain by sleeping.

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