
Friday, June 2, 2023

10 lessons we all can learn from Harvey Specter:

 10 lessons we all can learn from Harvey Specter:

1. Never let your lack of experience hold you back. 

Aim high, think big to win big.

2. Don't be afraid of playing bigger games.

It's better to play bigger games and lose giving it your all.

Then to play smaller games and win.

3. Plan B isn't giving up. 

It's getting creative, taking a new approach, and finding a way no matter what.

4. Work hard until the day comes when you no longer need to introduce yourself.

5. Winners never make excuses.

So neither should you.

6. Follow your real friends to the end of the earth. 

- Trust them

-  Hear them out

- Take their opinions seriously

Cherish every moment you get with them.

7. Take responsibility for your r!sks. 

It's easy to take all the credit when r!sks pay off. But never play the victim if they don't. 

Be mature enough to accept the consequences of your actions.

8. Win the battle before you go to wár.

9. Stay calm in difficult situations.

Winners know how to handle the pressure.

While everyone else is freaking out, stay calm and in control.

10. Never wear a skinny tie to work... never.

Thanks for reading

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