
Friday, June 2, 2023



I've upgraded my career from the bottom of the corporate ladder to a high enough position that I'm happy with my life.

I used writing exercises to improve my communication skills, sales skills, problem-solving skills, planning skills, finances, intelligence, health, and fitness.

These are the writing exercises that I recommend to both my friends and my students.

1. Write in Your Notebook

Bringing a notebook everywhere is one of the habits that helped me improve my life.

I was able to impress several business owners and managers.

I've sold a lot of things with the help of my notebook.

2. Write Essays

An essay is your attempt to think about a subject.

I write essays about topics that are important to me.

I write about my hobbies, strategies, and moves that I am trying to teach myself.

When an idea is bothering me, I discuss the idea with myself using the essay.

The process helps me clear up my thoughts.

How did I increase my chances of getting hired in a call center?

How did I become a top agent?

How did I successfully transition from a call center agent to a work-from-home freelancer?

How did I become promoted to a project manager?

All my progress started with writing essays.

I began to share my essays on my websites in 2010.

In 2020, I already posted over 1,000 essays.

3. Daily Journal

I have four kinds of journals.

I have a thoughts journal, which includes my thoughts and the ideas that bother me every day.

I later collect these thoughts and write essays.

My second journal is my work journal.

I write what I worked on that day and what I need to work on in the future.

My third journal is my focus journal.

I write about:

- What I'm grateful for.

- What I need to do.

- What I learned today.

I have a public journal in the form of my blog.

My public journal activates the part of my mind that specializes in explaining, describing, problem-solving, and teaching.

These journals hold me accountable.

These journals help me know if I am doing well or doing poorly.

If I am doing well, I should keep going.

If I am doing poorly, I need to change.

The journals tell me what I need to change.

BONUS: I also write a Year-End Review.

4. Encode your Written Essays.

If you can't get a job in a call center, your communication skills and problem-solving skills are probably terrible.

Your typing speed is probably inadequate too.

You fix your grammar by writing in English.

You fix your problem-solving skills by writing essays.

You fix your typing speed by typing.

These recommended activities fix 90% of your problems.

You only need to practice your typing by encoding your essays.

5. Writing Lists.

If you are stuck when you're trying to write an essay, write lists.

Write a list of things that you want to say.

Write a list of things that you want to gain.

Write a list of strategies and plans.

Write a list of everything that you know.

Attempt to expand your ideas after you've written your lists.

Invest your time converting your list into an essay.

6. Writing Stories.

Personal experience is the most valuable thing that you can share.

An experienced manager may earn an income of ₱200,000 to ₱500,000 per month.

Some managers earn more.

What's the difference between low-income and high-income individuals?

High-income individuals value their stories.

High-value professionals carefully craft their stories and use their stories to get what they want in life.

A business plan is a combination of instructions and stories.

The Harry Potter series paid the author, J. K. Rowling,


My job-hunting story has helped me get hired in a call center and eventually gotten me online clients.

The biggest job offer that I've received is ₱88,000 a month.

Having good stories in your notebook can influence how much income you can earn.

One starting point is by writing a good story.

If you don't value your life experiences, you probably are unhappy with how your life is going.

7. Goal Setting

You should write about your goals.

You need to write a plan for your life.

You also need to write a plan for your career.

You also need to adjust your career plan to match your life plan.

You probably heard this before...

If you failed to plan, you plan to fail.

From personal experience, writing these plans in English brings out the more logical and intelligent part of my thinking.

Take the time to write your plans.

8. Strategies and Instructions

The right strategy can change your life.

Writing every day has improved my intelligence.

Exercising every day has improved my mood and work performance.

Cooking my own food has cut my costs from 15k a month to 6k a month.

Buying an Apple laptop has helped me save 20k a year.

Buying some insurance has given me a sense of security.

I've written all these strategies to teach myself to how to follow my own advice.

The strategies that I've written are intended to provide me with sound advice and have also been useful to share during interview situations.

Go write these ideas down and follow these instructions.

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