
Tuesday, June 27, 2023

How to Become Emotionally Strong and Intelligent.

 How to Become Emotionally Strong and Intelligent.

1. Don’t let people control your thoughts, reactions, and emotions. Smart people would like to fit their thoughts in your mind through conviction, repetition, luring, offers, affection, and appreciation.

2. Realize that negative emotions aren’t always negative. Sometimes, negativity is a sign of progress, change, or growth. Whenever you leave a comfort zone you ought to fear and get anxious.

3. Take the words and ignore the noise. Don’t react to reactions, don’t react to immaturity, don’t react to emotions. React to facts, logic, meanings and sensible questions.

4. Never consider yourself as perfect and complete. Always identify space for improvement. Realize imperfections in your opinions, choices, and thoughts. Realize that your thought process is restricted by limited knowledge and experiences and be open to corrections.

5. Never be quick to jump on a judgement. Think about an event with neutrality, empathy and lack of sentiment, and then decide.

6. Don’t aim at perfection, perfectionism is a sickness and not greatness, let life run naturally, the way it is, and realize that people ought to make mistakes, things may not turn out as expected, and each day may bring some disappointments.

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