
Thursday, June 8, 2023




1923  - 100 years

1924  - 99 years

1925  - 98 years

1926  - 97 years

1927 - 96 years

1928  - 95 years

1929  - 94 years

1930  - 93 years

1931  - 92 years


1932  - 91 years

1933  - 90 years

1934  - 89 years

1935  - 88 years

1936  - 87 years

1937  - 86 years

1938  - 85 years

1939  - 84 years

1940  - 83 years

1941  - 82 years

1942  - 81 years


1943  - 80 years

1944  - 79 years

1945  - 78 years

1946  - 77 years

1947  - 76 years

1948  - 75 years

1949  - 74 years

1950  - 73 years


1951  - 72 years 

 1952 - 71 years old

 1953 - 70 years old

 1954 - 69 years old

 1955 - 68 years old

 1956 - 67 years old

 1957 - 66 years

 1958 - 65 years

 1959 - 64 years old

 1960 - 63 years

 1961 - 62 years old

 1962 - 61 years


 1963 - 60 years old

 1964 - 59 years

 1965 - 58 years

 1966 - 57 years old

 1967 - 56 years

 1968 - 55 years

 1969 - 54 years

 1970 - 53 years

 1971 - 52 years old

 1972 - 51 years


 1973 - 50 years old

 1974 - 49 years old

 1975 - 48 years

 1976 - 47 years

 1977 - 46 years

 1978 - 45 years old

 1979 - 44 years

 1980 - 43 years

 1981 - 42 years old

 1982 - 41 years


 1983 - 40 years old

 1984 - 39 years

 1985 - 38 years old

 1986 - 37 years old

 1987 - 36 years

 1988 - 35 years old

 1989 - 34 years old

 1990 - 33 years old

 1991 - 32 years old

 1992- 31 years


 1993- 30 years old

 1994 - 29 years

 1995 - 28 years

 1996 - 27 years

 1997 - 26 years

 1998 - 25 years old

 1999 - 24 years

 2000 - 23 years

 2001 - 22 years old

 2002 - 21 years


 2003 - 20 years

 2004 - 19 years

 2005 - 18 years old

 2006 - 17 years

 2007 - 16 years

 2008 - 15 years

 2009- 14  years

 2010- 13 years

 2011- 12 years

 2012- 11 years


 2013 - 10 years

 2014 - 09 years

 2015- 08 years

 2016- 07 years

 2017- 06 years

 2018- 05 years

 2019- 04 years

 2020- 03 years

 2021- 02 years

 2022-01 year

 2023  month

Avoid pretending that you are still young.   Always remember that time does not wait for anybody. Think twice about your age. As the days go by, we approach our resting place.  Ask yourself this question.

What have I really done for my family, relatives, friends and God since I came to this earth?

Is there anything I can still do? 

So do something now because time is passing swiftly and it may be too late. Every day you get older, make yourself a treasure because this world is temporary.

Be grateful to God and start to push forward with determination and hard work with prayer and diligence and you will gain eternal life which is HEAVEN


ONE DAY, you will retire from active civil service and start leaving a private life.

ONE DAY another person will be sitting on your seat and be in your position.

ONE DAY, you will lock your door, but you will not be the one to open it.

ONE DAY, you will wash that best clothes of yours and you will not be able to wear it.

ONE DAY, your favorite food will be prepared and you will not be there to eat it anymore.

ONE DAY, you will eat and drink what you will never excrete.

ONE DAY, your curriculum vitae and all your years of experience will not matter to anyone anymore.

ONE DAY, the person that seems to love you most will never dare to move closer to you.

ONE DAY, you will think of what you can never accomplish.

ONE DAY, you will be regarded as "a corpse"

ONE DAY, you will be isolated in a place called "grave"

ONE DAY, those things and people you love most will come your way but you will not be able to give any attention to it/them.

ONE DAY, you will hold your breath and never be able to release it.

ONE DAY, you will become a defendant before The Chief Judge (GOD).

ONE DAY, housefly/ termites will come your way and you will be unable to chase them.

ONE DAY, you will receive a call that you can never decline.

ONE DAY, your name will be called, but no one will answer.

ONE DAY, the assets you cherished most will be taken by another person.

ONE DAY, your deed on Earth will be presented to you like a CD.

ONE DAY a title will be added to your name "Late" 

ONE DAY, The Great Allocator will allocate you to an appropriate place.

ONE DAY, that your beautiful skin will turn to its original nature-sand/dust.

ONE DAY, your entire body will cease operation. The verb will change from he is a good man to he was a good man.

ONE DAY, you will be given an eternal apartment, either Paradise or hell.

ONE DAY, you will not be able to hold nor type anything on this phone anymore.

In Summary, take LIFE easy, DO GOOD, and run from EVIL. Be at peace with everyone, love your neighbour as yourself and remember that "that ONE DAY will surely come when this write up shall be fulfilled in your Life."

Please inform  your Loved ones and people you wish to save from hell, to remind THEM about that ONE DAY'

May God continue to bless and guide us so as to be conscious of tomorow..

Be careful how you live today

Don't Cherish worldly things more than the creator of the world

Remember someone owns your life

Don't cause people to  cry because of your maltreatment to them 

Only one thing will not perish after you have gone , that's your good work,

"Only Remembered By What You Have Done”

BE INFORMED...🧠 👂 👂 👂

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