
Tuesday, June 6, 2023


 You are not a failure until you stop trying. No matter how many times you fall, as long as you don't stay down, you've not lost yet.

For every failure you experience, don't look for who to blame, look for what to learn. Don't look down on yourself, look up to where you are going, and give it another try.

There will be times when all your plans will fail, times when you will put your all into something and then end up with nothing.

It can be very painful, especially when you think of all the time, energy, resources, hopes you've put into it, and still you end up getting hit.

Cry if you must, but don't you quit. For every fall, keep rising on your feet, but never forget to pick up something that teaches you a different way it can be done.

Learn from your failures, it's a feedback not a setback. Face Your obstacles, never let it pin you to the wall, and even if it does, with all the energy you've got inside of you, fight back.

Try, fail, learn, repeat until you win!

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