
Monday, June 19, 2023



1-Be who you want to see in others. Be real and honest about who you are. 

2-Treat everyone with kindness and respect. Don't belittle or place anyone on a pedestal. We are all humans! 

3- Recognize your flaws and shortcomings. Be self-aware and challenge yourself to grow. 

4-Recognize your strengths and talents. Every human being has value and can contribute to something.

5- Learn from your mistakes. Forgive yourself. Don’t become a victim of your circumstances. Get up and glow, it's the best form of "revenge" and self-care. 

6- Accept constructive criticism, even when it's unsolicited. You don't have to agree with it, but listening with an open mind can help you approach yourself and your life in new ways.

7 - Apologize when you’re wrong. Don't make excuses to justify your hurtful actions. Be humble not prideful. 

8- Educate yourself everyday and let others educate you too. We all can learn from each other. Nobody knows and is right about everything. 

9- Don’t just forget all the good someone has done to you when they hurt you. Look at the good they once did too. 

10- Remember that self-improvement isn’t about reaching perfection. You will make many mistakes, you will be tested, you will fall short, but the most important thing is to keep getting back up. 

The Love Doctor Ken//Credit

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