
Friday, June 9, 2023

14 Bad Habits of Low Self-esteem You Must Stop this Month and Beyond.

 14 Bad Habits of Low Self-esteem .
You Must Stop this Month and Beyond. 

1. Negative self-talk: Engaging in constant self-criticism and negative self-talk can be a sign of low self-esteem. Putting oneself down and focusing on flaws or mistakes undermines self-confidence. If you do this, give yourself target to stop it this month. 

2. Seeking constant validation: Relying heavily on external validation and seeking constant approval from others indicates a lack of self-assurance and self-worth. If you do this, give yourself target to stop it this month.

3. Fear of failure and avoidance: A fear of failure can lead to avoiding challenges or new opportunities. This fear stems from a lack of belief in one's abilities and a fear of judgment or criticism. If you do this, give yourself target to stop it this month.

4. Difficulty saying no: People with low self-esteem often struggle with setting boundaries and saying no to others. They may prioritize others' needs over their own, fearing rejection or disapproval if they assert themselves. Learn to set healthy boundary this month and beyond. 

5. Inability to accept compliments: Difficulty accepting compliments or deflecting them with self-deprecating remarks can be a sign of low self-esteem. This stems from a belief that one is unworthy of praise or positive attention. Start accepting and enjoying compliments. 

6. Perfectionism: Striving for perfection and feeling intense dissatisfaction with anything less can indicate a lack of self-esteem. The constant need to be flawless stems from a fear of being judged or not meeting unrealistic standards. Work on yourself if this is your challenge. 

7. People-pleasing: Constantly seeking to please others and prioritize their needs at the expense of one's own can be a sign of low self-esteem. The fear of rejection or abandonment drives this behaviour. If you do this, give yourself target to stop it this month.

8. Comparison to others: Frequently comparing oneself to others and feeling inadequate or envious can indicate a lack of self-esteem. This habit arises from a belief that others are superior or more deserving. Stop comparing yourself to others. 

9. Avoiding challenges or risks: A lack of confidence can lead to avoiding challenges or taking risks. This avoidance stems from a fear of failure and a belief that one is incapable of overcoming obstacles. Note that no risk no gain. 

10. Self-sabotage: Engaging in self-destructive behaviours or undermining one's own success can be a manifestation of low self-esteem. This behaviour may arise from an unconscious belief that one is unworthy of happiness or success. Please set target to stop this if you do it. 

11. Over apologizing: Constantly apologizing for minor things or taking excessive responsibility for others' emotions can be a sign of low self-esteem. This habit stems from a fear of conflict or displeasing others. You need to start developing assertiveness from this month. 

12. Lack of assertiveness: Difficulty expressing one's needs, desires, or opinions assertively can indicate low self-esteem. This behaviour arises from a fear of rejection, confrontation, or not being taken seriously. Develop the ability to get your point across without upsetting others or becoming upset yourself.

13. Isolating oneself: Withdrawing from social situations or avoiding social interactions can be a sign of low self-esteem. This isolation may stem from a fear of judgment or a belief that one is not interesting or likable. Make efforts to stay in touch with family, friends, and neighbours in person, social media, voice call, or text. Talk with people you trust and share your feelings. Suggest an activity to help nurture and strengthen existing relationships.

14. Self-neglect: Neglecting self-care, such as neglecting physical health, personal grooming, or emotional well-being, can indicate low self-esteem. This habit arises from a lack of self-worth and self-importance. Work to overcome it this more and beyond. 

I wish you well.

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