
Friday, June 9, 2023

THE POWER OF NOW: Living in truth

 THE POWER OF NOW: Living in truth

When I was younger I used to be so concerned with what would happen after I leave this world. I would think about my legacy and how I hope people would remember me. 

As I get older, I’m realizing that it doesn’t really matter what happens after I die because I won’t be here to see it. 

People will always have something good to say about us once we pass so the focus shouldn’t be on what we leave behind but rather on what we’re doing while we’re here. Especially for ourselves. 

Many people spend years of their lives sacrifices everything for others, putting themselves last, worrying about everyone’s opinions, needs and happiness except their own. 

Only to realize in time that humans are seasonal and often interest driven; that most people leave when they don’t have anything to gain from a relationship and it can be a very sad and devastating reality.

My point is, life is more than just building and leaving a legacy behind. Do good to others but don’t neglect yourself. 

Live and experience the journey of life in all truth and freedom. Be authentic, speak your heart and don’t be afraid to go after the things that makes you happy. You owe it to yourself. 



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